The best marijuana seeds to grow indoors
Cultivating your own marijuana inside comes with big advantages, though, it might not be for everyone. It definitely helps when you have ''green thumbs'' and then you'll also need to find a suitable strain. There are many cannabis strains. But which marijuana seeds are most suitable to grow indoors?
Indoor Growing Tent Marijuana Seeds
Of course, this question is not easy to answer. There are so many people,with so many wishes. By shedding light on the most cultivated marijuana strains, we want to make the choice, for choosing the best strains, somewhat easier.

Which type is favorite?
To select the best marijuana strains, you need to select several features that you are looking for in a strain. Think about the size of the plant, the amount of weeks of the flowering period and the yield. But also think about the taste and effect of the marijuana. Those things are important to think about before you make a choice. Also, ask yourself if you are an experienced or starting grower. This is important to take into consideration, because it isn't easy to reach a full harvest with with all types of marijuana.
Examples and information
Of course, you can also choose to grow a well-known marijuana strains. An easy-to-grow indoor strain of which you can find good information on about cultivation on the Internet. But, some prefer to take the challenge with that 'one special type' that cannot be found in any coffee shop. Of course, it's nice to say about a joint that you pass around, that you chose to grow 'this strain' yourself.
Indica is compact
The different strains of marijuana to grow indoors can be divided into Indica, Sativa and hybrids. Indica strains are often compact plants with heavy buds. The leaves of the plant have thick fingers. The effect of the weed is mainly stoned, relaxing and suitable for medicinal use. The flowering period is short, about 8 weeks and the harvest can be big.
Sativa needs more space
Many characteristics of a Sativa are the opposite of an Indica. The plant can grow very big, the leaves have long, small fingers. The effect of the marijuana is energetic, more high. The flowering period is long, about 10 to 12 weeks. Haze strains are mainly Sativa.
Hybrid is a compromise
To bring together the best characteristics if Indica and Sativa many hybrid strains were developed. The Hybrid marijuana seeds are interbred in such a way that the good properties of both types are combined.
Germinating marijuana seeds
Most marijuana plants that are cultivated indoors, have a growing period and a flowering period. Autoflowers are an exception to this, they are described in a different article on this site: Autoflower marijuana seeds. The germination of a marijuana seed is a secure process. Often something happens to the seed which prevents germination or results in a bad germination. Of importance is that you work with clean hands and use water with the right pH value, such as mineral water from Spa (non-carbonated water).
The marijuana plant now needs to grow
After the germination of the seed, planted in the soil and emerged, the plant will receive 18 hours of artificial light per day. This amount of artificial light is necessary to let the plant develop well to a bigger size. For indoor cultivation it is essential that for the hours when the plant does not receive any light, the environment is completely dark. Depending on how big the strain can and is allowed to grow, you determine the flowering period. On average 3 to 5 weeks is sufficient for the plant to enter into its flowering phase.
The flowering phase for indoor cultivation
In the flowering phase, the plant receives 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete darkness. This way, we let the plant 'think' that it is autumn so he will start flowering. The flowering period is different per plant, and varies in between 8 and 14 weeks.
Buy feminized seeds
Most cannabis seeds are feminized nowadays. This increases the chance on female plants to more than 99%. Female flowers provide buds at the end of the flowering phase where male plants can actually only be used for ropes and clothes.
Many known marijuana strains, at home and abroad, come originally from Dutch seed breeders. These are strains that are known about the high level of THC and mostly give a deep, stoned effect. Often these types are not so difficult to grow and have a short flowering phase. Genetically these strains are Indica hybrids.
The 5 best, most legendary, successful, prize-winning marijuana strains are:
1: White Widow; this strain has been developed by Greenhouse and have probably won most Cannabis Cups ever. White Widow seeds are available from Greenhouse, Dutch Passion, Royal Queen Seeds and our Private Label.
2: Power Plant; originating from the same period at the end of the nineties comes the Power Plant. Developed by Dutch Passion, with genetic roots from South Africa. Power Plant seeds are available from Dutch Passion and our Private Label.
3: Northern Light; a real old school strain from the seventies. In the eighties this strain came from the United States to the Netherlands. Northern Light seeds are available from Royal Queen Seeds and our Private Label.
4: Cheese; a cup-winning strain with originally English genetics. The name refers to the smell of the plant when it is flowering. Cheese seeds are available from Greenhouse, Royal Queen Seeds and our Private Label.
5: Sweet Bubble; another legendary strain. It was discovered via the United States and England, came to the Netherlands and won prizes; almost immediately. The sweet smell resembles, you probably already guessed, the original Bubble Gum. Sweet Bubble seeds are available from our Private Label.
Sativa Haze marijuana seeds
Haze strains are genetically Sativas and Sativa dominant hybrids. The flowering period of the Haze strains vary in between 10 and 12 weeks, depending on the strain. Fans of quickly hitting in and increasing mental highs, should take the extra long flowering period for granted. The yield of the Haze can be abundant.
Haze is not for beginners
Some experience in cultivation is preferable. This is because the Haze strains have slightly different demands than the average Indica dominant hybrid. For example: Haze strains do not like to stay dry, so, the soil has to be more humid than normally. Haze strains grow large and are known for their quick growth spurt at the start of the flowering phase. For this reason, the growth phase can be kept short. Or, in some cases, even skipped completely; which can result in some interesting time savings.
The top 5 best Haze strains.
1: Amnesia Haze; one of the best known Haze strains, legendary from the seventies. The name Amnesia means ''memory loss'', owes its name to the quickly hitting effect. Amnesia Haze is a Cup winner and available from Royal Queen Seeds and our Private Label.
2: Super Silver Haze; another legendary Haze strain that is known everywhere and which has won many prizes. It is known for its relaxing effect and for having one of the most famous Sativa highs in the world. Super Silver Haze seeds are available from Sensi Seeds and our Private Label.
3: G13 Haze; for a Sativa, this Haze stays relatively small and compact. Therefore, it is ideal for small growing rooms. This strain from Barney's Farm already won many prizes and is loved because of its powerful effect.
4: Arjans Haze; a pure Sativa that was developed by the founder / owner of Greenhouse Seeds. Grows very fast and produces a high-quality weed. Known and loved by many and winner of the Cannabis Cup.
5: Hawaiian Snow; these seeds are also from the brand: Greenhouse Seeds. And these seeds have a THC percentage of no less than 23%! The effect of this marijuana starts slowly but is long-lasting. The effect can be experienced as mood-improving and becomming more social. This strain also won several prizes.
Something for everybody
One of the big advantages of growing your own weed, is that you can choose from many marijuana strains yourself. Legendary proven strains, such as: Blueberry, Jack Herer, Master Kush and Vanilla Kush. Strains with a lot of THC, such as: Sweet Tooth and Tangerine Dream from Barney's Farm or A.M.S. from Greenhouse Seeds. And special types to take on the challenge. Such as the Durban Poison from Dutch Passion.
New types of marijuana seeds
More and more new species of cannabis seeds are being added, but also old forgotten species are being re-invigorated by crossing them. An example of this, is the re-introduction of the legendary Purple Haze #1 from Positronics. This Haze strain is even immortalized by Jimi Hendrix in a song.
Medicinal effect
In recent years, the focus of cultivating often lies on cannabis strains with medicinal properties. Through an optimal balance between THC and CBD, medical marijuana strains have a reduced psychoactive effect. CBD can cause a relaxing effect and can be used against stress, fear, mood changes, pain symptoms and for a good night's rest. Medical marijuana strains with CBD are available in different varieties, both Indica, Sativa and autoflower. Seed breeders with a good medicinal marijuana are: CBD Crew, Positronics, Barney's Farm, Dutch Passion und Strain Hunters.