A 50x extract of Wild Lettuce from Mystic Herbs! That should be pretty strong stuff.
What is Wild Lettuce?
This is not your common or garden iceberg lettuce. Wild lettuce, sometimes called poison lettuce, (Lactuca virosa) is a commonly occurring plant which when consumed has effects similar to opium, though less strong. Think of a rush with narcotic and deeply relaxing effects. The active ingredients in wild lettuce are lactucin and lactucopicrin. They are not opiates but these biological substances do have the same narcotic and calming properties. For that reason, wild lettuce is freely available. Wild lettuce grows naturally in southern and central Europe and northern Asia.
Wild Lettuce Effect
Ground wild lettuce is used as a soothing and relaxing herbal tea. Unlike opium, it doesn’t have any addictive side effects. Wild lettuce can also contribute to a better night’s sleep and the herb has a pleasant calming effect on weak nerves. Wild lettuce is relaxing and good for mental balance. Furthermore, the herb has properties that work as an aphrodisiac. In the case of a cough or irritated airways, it can be part of herbal treatment and help in this way.
Wild Lettuce Extract Dosage and Use
It goes without saying that with an extract that’s 50 times stronger than the leaves, you don’t need much for the same effect. You can use wild lettuce by drinking it as a tea. Put 0,5 to 1 grammes in a cup of boiled water for an effect which is comparable to dried leaves. Allow it to draw for 10 to 15 minutes in the water.
You can also use wild lettuce in a vaporizer. To do this, you need to use Vape Wool (recommended products) because the gummy substance gets quite sticky when you heat it. Select a temperature from 125 to a maximum of 150 °C for the best results.
In both cases, don’t use more than half of the package contents. Wild lettuce gets the name ‘poison lettuce’ from the fact that the plant is mildly poisonous – but you needn’t worry about this product as long as you keep to the instructions.
Store in a cool and dry place.
Mystic Herbs
Mystic herbs is a brand that stands for the distribution of natural plants and extracts that somehow positively influence us. From invigorating cola nut, to the aphrodisiac damiana. The range includes uppers and downers, as well as aphrodisiacs and slightly psychedelic herbs from all over the world. These herbs have often been used by indigenous peoples for millennia. Now they can simply be ordered online at Dutch-Headshop. Enjoy the power of nature!