LSA Seeds & Various Natural Psychedelics

In nature you find plants with diverse psychedelic effects. Some of them work to relax, while others produce hallucinations. Did you know that in the forest are growing all kinds of plants with which you can trip? One more powerful than the next. The trips are all that little bit different. Take Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or Morning Glory, for example. The seeds of these flowers contain LSA which is able to create a completely different reality for you. Discover the diversity of natural psychedelics here.

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Real Mad Honey Nepal

Starting at 32,50

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Space Trips 4 capsules
Trippy X (DNX) 4 capsules
Real Mad Honey Turkey

Starting at 24,95

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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose [Argyreia Nervosa] (Mystic Seeds) 10 seeds
Energy-E (Happy Caps) 4 capsules
Sinicuichi [Heimia Salicifolia] (Indian Spirit) 50 gram
Trip Stopper (Private Label) 4 capsules
Morning Glory seeds [Ipomoea violacea] (Indian Spirit) 10 grams
Tripsitter Party Supplement 6 tabs
Morning Glory [Ipomoea Violacea] (Mystic Seeds) 300 seeds
Ololiuqui [Rivea corymbosa] (Mystic Seeds) 40 seeds
Yopo [Anadenanthera Peregrina] (Mystic Seeds) 15 seeds
Absinthe Wormwood Extract [Artemisia Absinthium] (Indian Elements) 60 capsules
Absinthe (Wormwood) Extract 10x (Mystic Herbs) 5 grams
Drugtest for LSD (EZ Test)
Drugtest for Ketamine (EZ Test)
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose [Argyreia Nervosa] (Indian Spirit) 10 seeds
Trip-E (Happy Caps) 4 capsules

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Voacanga Root Bark [Voacanga Africana] (Indian Spirit) 25 grams

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Psychedelics: From Light Effects to Intense Trips

Hawaiian baby woodrose, morning glory, yopo, absinthe… Did you know that nature is full of plants and mushrooms that allow you to see a new reality in all kinds of ways? Discover a natural alternative to LSD with LSA drugs or explore which plants and extracts you can take to hallucinate. You will come across all the special psychedelics from Mother Nature in this category. From light effects that let you merge with the bank to intense trips that launch you into space like a rocket.

The Discovery of LSD

Meet Hofmann’s magic potion. That was how LSD was called after the Swiss chemist first synthesized LSD-25 in 1938 from a few plants and fungi. For five years the stuff was sitting on a shelf in a lab, without people knowing about the psychedelic effects. The well-known hallucinogenic properties of LSD were only mapped later due to a stupid coincidence.

A Coincidence

LSD proved to be a powerful hallucinogen that Hofmann himself was the first to experience. The scientist investigated whether LSD-25 stimulates breathing and blood circulation. While working with the substance, Hofmann accidentally touched his face with his hand. Shortly after the effects started working. Hofmann writes in his notes:

“...affected by a remarkable restlessness, with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant daze, which is characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. With closed eyes and in a dream-like state of consciousness, i saw an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images. Extraordinary shapes with an intense play of kaleidoscopic colors."

Three days later, Albert Hofmann consciously took 250 micro grams of LSD. It was the first time LSD was taken on purpose. Hofmann’s magic potion grew in popularity and was often recreational used in the sixties. LSD is not legal in the Netherlands. So it is a good question if there is an alternative. LSD was made in a laboratory, out of the extract from a mould that grows on grain. Among other things, that extract contains LSA drugs. Nature offers numerous natural psychedelics.

LSA, the Natural LSD?

Albert Hofmann got interested in psychedelics during his career. Mushrooms and also salvia regularly changed the consciousness of the Swiss scientist. It was however a natural hallucinogenic that led to the discovery of LSD: lysergic acid amide, or LSA. LSA occurs among others in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Morning Glory seeds, but does it look like an LSD trip?

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) is a beautiful looking climber that also does well in Europe as long as you keep it free from frost. For that reason, it’s best to cultivate Hawaiian Baby Woodrose in a greenhouse. This stunning, petunia-like flower originates from India. In contrast to other plants from this family, the seeds of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose were not used traditionally for religious, spiritual or recreational purposes.

Morning Glory

If you compare Morning Glory with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, then as well as many similarities you’ll notice a few differences. They are both perennial climbers and their leaf and flower shapes look quite similar to each other. In Europe both plants are treated as annuals due to their lack of frost hardiness. It’s interesting to note that the sweet potato is closely related to Morning Glory and produces virtually the same flowers. The important difference for us between Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Morning Glory is the quantity of seeds needed for a psychedelic effect. More about this shortly.

How Different are LSD and LSA Drugs?

So LSA is present in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Morning Glory seeds, but does it resemble an LSD trip?

It is said that the effects of LSA are similar to those of an LSD trip. Nevertheless, we want to say that an LSD trip and the workings of LSA are not very similar. The molecules of LSA and LSD have similarities and both trips are indeed psychedelic.

Look at LSD as a refined form of LSA. LSD is unprecedentedly more powerful. For comparison: from 0.02 milligrams LSD already has a hallucinogenic effect. You will need to take hundreds of Morning Glory seeds to get hallucinogenic effects from it. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds contain more LSA, so you need less of them for a comparable effect. 3 to 4 seeds will get the desired result. Morning Glory seeds are ideally suited for LSA micro dosing.

Take Care with LSA Seeds

Seeds that contain LSA drugs may also cause nausea, flatulence and sometimes vomiting. This can make the beginning of an LSA trip (very) unpleasant. However, this isn’t the fault of the LSA itself, but because of other substances in the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Morning Glory seeds. In the case of microdosing with these seeds, these nasty effects won’t occur though.

Want to Know More? Read the Product Descriptions for our Psychedelics

Are you curious about the effects and dosage of LSA seeds? Or would you like to start microdosing with Morning Glory? Then read the product description for these interesting, natural psychedelics. For each product, we provide you with a complete and honest picture of the psychedelics.

Various Natural Psychedelics

So far we have only talked about a few LSA seeds. For information about the smart drugs for tripping like Salvia, Truffles, Cacti and DMT, you can go to the relevant product group or use the blog links at the bottom of this page. We want to introduce you to the less well-known natural psychedelics in this category. Explore the diversity of plants with which you can hallucinate by clicking on the photos next to the products.

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