Mescaline | Peyote Cactus, San Pedro & Peruvian Torch

The Peyote Cactus is certainly not the only cactus which naturally contains the psychedelic substance mescaline. The San Pedro, Peruvian Torch and a whole bunch of cacti which you have probably never heard of are just as potent. These sacred cacti are revered among the shamans but can also be pretty easily prepared and consumed by you. The effect of the Peyote cactus and mescaline? An unparalleled trip which is comparable to a shroom or LSD trip.

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San Pedro Monstrosus Mescaline Cactus [Echinopsis pachanoi] Cutting 25 - 29 cm
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San Pedro cactus Growkit [Echinopsis Pachanoi] 20 Seeds
Trip Stopper (Private Label) 4 capsules
Tripsitter Party Supplement 6 tabs
Peyote cactus Growkit [Lophophora Williamsii] 20 Seeds
San Pedro Mescaline Cactus [Echinopsis Pachanoi] (Mystic Grow) 100 seeds
Peyote Mescaline Cactus [Lophophora Williamsii] (Mystic Grow) 10 seeds
San Pedro Mescaline Cactus [Echinopsis Pachanoi] 20 seeds
San Pedro Mescaline Cactus [Echinopsis pachanoi] Best Buy

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Starting at 34,95

Peyote Mescaline Cactus [Lophophora Williamsii] 20 seeds

Want to buy Mescaline? That's going to be difficult. But getting a nice cactus with which you can make your own mescaline drugs? You've come to the right place. Choose a San Pedro, Peruvian Torch or Peyote cactus and the party can start. Read more about Peruvian Torch cactus seeds, buy a San Pedro cactus growkit or a Peyote cactus on this page.

Mescaline Cactus

The use of the mescaline cactus is as old as history itself. The indigenous population of America is especially familiar with the effects of these ‘sacred cacti’. Take the Peyote, San Pedro and Peruvian Torch for example. A few morsels of a dried specimen enabled shamans to get in contact with their dead ancestors, make predictions about next year’s harvest and travel to the stars without moving a centimetre.

Mescaline Trip

It was only much later that Western science discovered why this category of cacti have such an effect on us. Apart from an interesting psychoactive cocktail which makes them all unique, each of them contains mescaline.

Want to trip on mescaline? Get a San Pedro Cactus Cutting. Make it ready to eat and you are good to go!

Mescaline is a compound which in terms of structure strongly resembles LSD or psilocybin, the substance which occurs in Magic Truffles and Schrooms. That’s why it’s not surprising that the substance induces a similar effect. A mescaline trip is often compared to tripping on a large dose of magic mushrooms or truffles. Or a dose of LSD.

In the past it was mainly Native American people who used the mescaline drug to make contact with the ancestors or gods. The mescaline cactus is still used worldwide, but now also for recreational purposes. Tripping on a Peyote or San Pedro cactus is very intense. It is considered one of the most powerful psychedelics on earth. You have to prepare a mescaline cactus first. This preparation process is quite complicated and takes a lot of time. Not to mention growing a San Pedro or Peyote Cactus. It takes a long time before a Peyote cactus is ready to be harvested and tripped. Luckily you can buy a Peyote Cactus from us. That will save you some time.

Buying a Peyote Cactus

People who want to trip on a mescaline cactus want to buy mescaline as easy as possible. Unfortunately you can't buy ready-to-use mescaline. You really need to buy a Peyote or San Pedro cactus. When it's big enough you can take the mescaline drugs out of the cactus yourself by preparing it in a certain way. The quickest way to get there? Buy a Peyote cactus!

If you buy a Peyote from us you are not there yet. It does contain mescaline, but not enough to get a good tripping. Certainly not with several people. So you have to take care of it for a while before it's ready for slaughtering. That makes buying a Peyote cactus fun, too. You get a small, round cactus of about 2 to 3 cm in size. Give him all the love you have and after a while you'll have a large Peyote cactus and the mescaline trip can start!

San Pedro Cactus

You can not only but the Peyote, but also a San Pedro cactus from us. We do have a handy San Pedro cutting for you, which you can use yourself. In this kit you'll find 20 San Pedro cactus seeds and everything you need for growing, including instructions for use. The San Pedro cactus grows 10 to 50 centimeters per year. So it takes a while before it's big enough for a good mescaline trip. Are you looking for the fastest way to a trip on the San Pedro Cactus? Go for a San Pedro cutting. It is a piece of cactus that you can prepare yourself. Then you are ready to go.

Peruvian Torch

The Peruvian Torch is also called the torch from Peru and is actually the small cousin of the San Pedro cactus. The classic mescaline cactus grows fairly fast for a cactus. However, the germination of the cactus seeds can take a long time. It can take up to a year before the Peruvian Torch appears above the ground. So you'll need a little patience to make sure the Peruvian Torch is big enough to extract enough mescaline drugs for a good trip. Once above the ground, it grows about 50 cm per year.

Effects of the San Pedro- and Peyote Cactus: Mescaline

It’s good to know what to expect from a trip on Peyote cacti or mescaline. Some people experience a short-lived feeling of nausea within thirty minutes. In some cases you might start to sweat or have cold shivers. Keep calm, it’s part of the experience. Once the trip actually starts, these unpleasant effects pass by themselves. After one to two hours you experience a feeling of calm and acceptance. The effects are comparable to those of LSD. You can expect to experience mood swings, increased emotions and, of course, a range of hallucinations. The higher the dose, the more intense the experience.

Ideas about self-awareness, time and reality will also be turned on their heads as it seems like you are one with the universe. Your environment can ‘melt’ or ‘breathe’ making it appear as if everything lives and is connected together. In some cases a peyote experience can be transcendent. That is to say your way of thinking will be put to severe scrutiny.

The peak of the trip is reached between 2 and 4 hours after dosing and the effects slowly recede during a period of 8 to 12 hours thereafter. The total duration of the effects of a peyote trip is a maximum of 16 hours. A higher dosage can prolong the trip. For up to 24 hours.

Are there any Risks? Is A Mescaline Cactus Addictive?

As with all psychedelic substances it is sensible to use a mesacline cactus in a familiar environment accompanied by a sober trip sitter. Do not drive and keep windows and doors shut. In the nature the Peyote cactus and the San Pedro cactus work brilliantly on the senses. Colours become deeper and the forms of leaves and flowers make a trip even more intense. You feel connected to the earth. Therefore a mescaline trip is the most fun when you’re in nature.

What you must not do is to combine mescaline cactus with:

  • Alcohol and cannabis.
  • Stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines.
  • Tramadol.
  • Depression, anxiety or psychosis.
  • MAO inhibitors such as Banisteriopsis, sedatives and medicines.
  • Medication for heart conditions or for lowering high blood pressure.
  • Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Cacti such as peyote and San Pedro, and also the peruvian torch, are not addictive. You will quickly build up a tolerance which needs a few days to recover from. That means you have to take more cactus to achieve the same effect.

During a San Pedro or Peyote Trip

A San Pedro or Peyote trip is not always about sunshine. Eating a mescaline cactus can also cause some discomfort. The biggest drawback of peyote cactus and San Pedro is that they can make you nauseous. Be sure to keep a bucket handy and some bottles of water just in case. Only take this kind of cactus trip when you feel well - then the experience will be pleasurable. Peyote and San Pedro enhance how you are feeling. If you’re feeling down then a trip is not the answer to the problem!

There are also cacti in circulation which strongly resemble San Pedro but don’t contain any hallucinatory substances. The cacti are mostly harmless but all they are is a nice decoration for the house. Always check if you really have a mescaline cactus. Preparing it takes a lot of time and effort. It would be a shame if you eventually find out that it's not a Peyote or San Pedro cactus.

Cultivating Peyote Cacuts, San Pedro or Peruvian Torch

As well as cacti in our web shop, you will find seeds and growing kits with which you can cultivate a superb cactus yourself. You have to be patient with peyote as the cactus grows very slowly by nature. But you’ll be doing a good thing. In the wild, peyote is actually an endangered plant species. All Dutch Headshop cacti are cultivated in a protected environment; thus they are not picked or stolen from mother nature.

Buying Mescaline

Unfortunately it is not possible to buy mescaline directly, but with our wide range of products you can certainly work towards a mescaline trip. Buying a San Pedro, Peruvian Torch or Peyote Cactus is the quickest way to a solid psychedelic trip. Get a pre-grown Peyote, grow your own San Pedro with the growkit or get seeds of the Peruvian Torch. It's up to you! After buying one of the products, it won't take long to get your mescaline trip.

Want to know more about cacti, cultivating them or what mescaline does to you? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer service. Or read all the information in our detailed blogs about the mescaline cactus. We are here for you.