
Change your consciousness with the smartshop products from Dutch-Headshop. Hallucinogens like Magic Truffles or herbs from Herbs of the Gods will give you an unforgettable trip you’ll always remember even though you parted with reality at that point. Lucid dreaming or an ayahuasca experience are at your fingertips with our products. Smart drugs affect the neurotransmitters and body’s hormones which can change the consciousness. An extensive range of all kinds of products to take you pleasantly off the beaten track. Find your favourite trip drugs or psychedelics in our online smartshop.

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Magic Mushroom Growkit Golden Teacher (Ready-to-Grow Growkit)

Starting at 21,95

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Extra Joss 6 sachets New!
Kratom Extract Liquid Gold (Jetpackkratom)

Starting at 69,00

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Magic Truffles High Hawaiians 25 grams
Special Price 17,95 Regular Price 22,95
Microdosing Magic Truffles Mexicana (Private Label) Best Buy

Starting at 11,95

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Magic Mushroom Growkit McKennaii (Ready-to-Grow)

Starting at 21,95

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Pink Mushroom Glasses
Love Elixer Herbal Blend (Indian Spirit) 50 grams
Agar Agar Powder Organic (It’s Amazing) 100 grams Organic
Erection Pil (King Active)

Starting at 15,95

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Brown rice for Magic Mushroom Cultivation (Boerjan) 800 grams - 30%
Special Price 2,95 Regular Price 3,79
Lion’s Mane [Hericium erinaceus] Organic (Mushrooms4Life) 60 capsules Organic
Rye Flour Organic (Vitiv) 500 grams
Rasta High Herbal Blend (Indian Spirit) 10 grams
Kanna Extract 40X (Mystic Herbs) 1 gram
Energy Booster Herbal Blend (Indian Spirit) 50 grams

Out of stock

Blue Lotus Tincture 15x [Nymphaea caerulea] (Indian Spirit) 10ml
Herbal Spliff Mix (Indian Elements)

Starting at 7,95

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Kanna Extract ET2 [Sceletium tortuosum] (Indian Spirit) 1 grams
Magic Truffles Pink Paradise 15 grams

Chilling out with Magic Truffles, Mushrooms, Kanna, Happy Caps or Kratom? It’s all possible at Dutch Headshop.Relax and take a look in our online smartshop where you’ll be amazed by the huge range of smartdrugs, trip drugs, psychedelics, herbs and other tripping substances.

Outstanding quality from Dutch Headshop!

The online smartshop can justifiably be called special. Our smartshop’s range is characterised by an enormous offering of quality products. From hallucinogens to healthy teas and from laughing gas cartridges to study pills. Dutch Headshop has it all and it’s in stock. Take a look in our smartshop and find the product you need there. In our smartshop you can order online your favourite trip drugs. We only sell legal drugs to adults. Once you’ve ordered, you don’t have to do any more. We take care of delivering your favourite trip drugs, spiritual herbs, smart drugs or psychedelics to your home quickly and completely discreetly. No one will know what you’ve ordered from us, not even your nosy neighbour.

What is a Smartshop?

Not everyone knows what a smartshop is. Some people immediately associate a smartshop with drugs. This association is not completely right. You will only find smart drugs which are legal in the online smartshop.As well as these legal drugsAnd there are also products in the smartshop which have nothing to do with drugs.The range of products is very wide and varied.Want to find the nicest and best substances in our online smartshop? That’s incredibly simple and it’s fun as well. Still having trouble? In that case let us help you further via our blogs or customer service.

Online Smartshop

The advantage of our online smartshop is that you can simply order all kinds of legal drugs online. You no longer have to travel to a physical shop. You can easily find your favourite smart drugs or psychedelics in our online smartshop. Shrooms, magic truffles, kratom, kanna, laughing gas, mescaline cacti and much more besides. All you have to do is put them in your shopping basket and place the order. We will have no trouble in delivering them at top speed to your home.

Another big advantage of our online smartshop is that you can find all the information you need there. Our staff have put together all of their knowledge into product information, handy blogs and summary listings. So you don’t have to wait for a shop’s customer assistant to come and help you. That makes the smartshop experience many times better. Have a look for yourself to see which legal drugs stimulate your interest. Check out all the handy information and just place an order online. Leave the rest to us!


Smart drugs are products which have a mind-expanding effect. Smart drugs cause psychoactive effects which can change the consciousness. We have smart drugs which can have an energising, psychedelic, sexual, relaxing or tripping effect. A smart drug influences the hormonal balance or the neurotransmitters in the body. This makes the body and mind more susceptible to impulses. Hallucinogens can even let you experience reality differently.

Possible effects of smart drugs:

  • Visions and hallucinations
  • Psychedelic effects
  • Enhanced libido
  • Relaxation
  • Energy stimulation
  • Increased concentration
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Laughing fits (laughing gas / nitrous oxide)

Legal Drugs

Our online smartshop is full of legal drugs. It’s unfortunate but in common opinion drugs have a bad image. When the words drugs, psychedelics or smart drugs are mentioned, a lot of people take on an outraged look. The reason for that is because many people are unaware that legal drugs also exist that are in no way as dangerous or bad for your health. Just take a look in our extensive webshop and be surprised at all the trip drugs that are 100% legally available.

You can find a huge amount of information about all our products. We aim to provide the maximum possible explanatory material. Only in this way, can we ensure that legal drugs or trip drugs are understood and used correctly. In this way, tripping substances are harmless as psychedelics. They just give you an unprecedented experience and put a grin on your face.

Trip Smartdrugs

Are you looking for a hallucinogen to get right out of your head? Dutch Headshop has hallucinogens in abundance. Think here of the various kinds of Magic Truffles and the many types of herbs which are available. These can get you seriously off your rocker. The same goes for the San Pedro and Peyote cacti. The mescaline in these cacti gives hallucinations and illusions of reality. Look under the Trip Smartdrugs category for all hallucinogens. Find the necessary information online for each tripping substance in the smartshop and get yourself properly prepared for taking your favourite trip drugs.

Psychedelics & Trip Drugs

Trip drugs or psychedelics are drug types that have a psychedelic and mind-expanding effect. The characteristic effects of psychedelics are that someone perceives their mind in an unprecedented or extraordinary manner. This sounds rather spiritual, and that’s true. Psychedelics produce the ultimate spiritual experiences. You experience sensory stimulations, a change in your perspective and/or vision, an altered state of consciousness and you may hallucinate. But what many users of psychedelics experience in the main is a pleasurable trip. Using trip drugs like shrooms or magic truffles, you can have a fantastic laugh and a really great time with a group of friends. It’s difficult to describe an experience with trip drugs or psychedelics. If you want to know more, then read our blogs about (the use of) tripping substances for more information. Do you want to buy psychedelics? If so, then our online smartshop is the right place for you. We have a wide selection of legal psychedelics in stock for you.

Examples of psychedelics and/or trip drugs:

  • Shrooms
  • Magic Truffles
  • Mescaline Cactus (San Pedro, Peyote or Peruvian Torch)
  • Ayahuasca
  • DMT

Use of smart products

Dutch Headshop believes it is vitally important that smart products are used in a responsible way. Needless to say, the usage and dosage vary according to the product. Always read carefully the information on our website about the usage and dosage of products. In general, smart products can be used in the following ways:

  • Smoked or vaped
  • Dissolved in tea
  • Eaten
  • Taken in capsules

Brands in our Online Smartshop

Many different brands can be differentiated in the Smart Drugs category. However, there are a number of brands which have established their name in the smart drugs world. The herbs from Indian Elements and Herbs of the Gods simply have to be part of our range. And our own House Brand Magic Truffles have not gone unnoticed. The smart drugs from these brands can give you a trip which you won’t forget in a hurry.

Buying Online in the Smartshop

You can buy your favourite legal drugs, smart drugs, trip drugs or psychedelics online in our smartshop. All our products are for sale to adults only. The delivery person may ask for proof of identity at the door.

Do you have any questions about the products from our online smartshop? Put your questions to our customer service. We have expert knowledge about all our products. So you can come to us with all your questions.