What is Virola?
Virola theiodora, was also previously known as Virola elongata. Red virola is an Amazonian tree that can grow up to 30 metres tall. The Waiká tribe, who live in the Rio Negro region, use parts of the plant to enter higher states of consciousness. They do this by sniffing red virola with snuff tubes.
George J. Seitz travelled to the Amazon to bring back samples of red virola for analysis. It turns out that the bark is particularly rich in 5-MeO-DMT, in full 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine. A powerful natural hallucinogen that produces an unparalleled psychedelic trip.
This bark contains 65 mg to 250 mg of psychoactive indoles per 100 grams of material (0.25%), including 43 to 95% 5-MeO-DMT and 5 to 52% N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Other alkaloids in red virola bark are MMT and 6-MeO-THC.
What is DMT?
This plant also contains as an active ingredient the substance DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine). DMT is a naturally occurring substance that can also be found in our own bodies. DMT is inactive after oral ingestion, as it is immediately broken down by enzymes in the liver. (Synthesised) pure DMT is also smoked to experience a short-lived (20 minutes) but incredibly intense trip. DMT is illegal in many countries. In contrast, plants that contain relatively high amounts of DMT, such as chacruna, are legally available in many countries. These plants cannot in themselves cause a trip - that requires a so-called MAOI. This is often another plant or plant extract that prevents DMT from being broken down directly and does have psychoactive effects.
What is 5-MeO-DMT?
The name is somewhat similar to DMT, but the effects are definitely different. Whereas a high dose of DMT puts you in a colourful trip, 5-MeO-DMT or five-methoxy puts you in a white space where time seems to stand still. For this reason, a trip is not very similar but offers an entirely unique experience. It is often much less visual than DMT or visuals do not occur at all. Such a trip can be frightening, but also enlightening. Users mostly say afterwards that they feel reborn, but found it very exciting in the moment. 5-MeO-DMT occurs naturally in a select number of plants and is one of the main constituents of the sweat of the Colorado toad. That's the toad where 'toad-lickers' get their high from. Such a plant extract is not only more animal-friendly, but also safer. This is because the glands of that toad also secrete toxins at a concentration that can kill a dog.
5-MeO-DMT is not itself orally active in lower doses and will have to be taken with an MAO inhibitor to still manage that. We warn you about that: you will feel that very strongly in your body and it is extremely unpleasant. Like having an elephant sit on you. The indigenous people around the Rio Negro blow it into each other's noses with a snuff tube. Then the trip kicks in almost immediately and lasts 5-10 minutes. Another method is vapourising or smoking. Then it comes on after a minute and the peak of the trip lasts about 15-25 minutes.
Red virola contains both these substances, making the experience a hodgepodge of the above effects.
Ayahuasca is made from at least two different plants. One with DMT and one with an MAOI to ensure that DMT once ingested is not immediately broken down by our bodies. As a result, DMT stays on receptors in the brain and causes a highly visual psychedelic trip that can last all night. Adding red virola to an ayahuasca brew can be done, but be aware that the trip can be all over the place and is considered very unpleasant physically.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to tell you how to make ayahuasca. After all, that is not legal. You will have to turn to user experiences you can find elsewhere on the internet. But beware, ayahuasca is definitely not like magic mushrooms. It takes much longer and vomiting and uncontrolled diarrhoea are the norm rather than the exception. We also think it's very important to advise you on setting - don't use psychedelic natural products at a crowded party, on the street or with people you don't trust. Make sure a sober tripsitter is present with you.
You can also finely grind the pieces of bark and make snuff from them. Due to the woody structure, this is quite a chore, though.
Package contents
- 50g pieces of bark from the red virola tree (Virola theidora).
Indian Spirit
Indian Spirit collects and distributes extraordinary herbs from all corners of the world. Indian Spirit's overgrown psychedelic herb garden contains natural energy generators, aphrodisiacs, psychedelics and herbs for lucid dreams. From ayahuasca to zacatechichi. The garden was created in 2014 and the quality of the herbs and extracts make Indian Spirit unmatched in this segment.