Mouthpiece for the Pax 2 and Pax 3 Vaporizer
2 extra mouthpieces for the Pax 2 or Pax 3 vaporizer is not a bad idea. You should change your vaporizer’s mouthpiece on a regular basis. This will enable you to continue using the vaporizer in a completely hygienic way. These mouthpieces are the original flat mouthpieces for the Pax 2 or Pax 3 vaporizer.
- Suitable for both the Pax 2 and Pax 3 vaporizer.
- Easy to replace
- A clean mouthpiece for your lips on a regular basis
- Original flat mouthpieces
Mouthpiece Function
Are you hygienically inclined, or have a slight phobia of dirt? Then you should definitely have some extra mouthpieces to hand. Naturally you vape with your friends. In which case, it’s much nicer to be able to use your own mouthpiece. You inhale vape from a vaporizer via the mouthpiece. A mouthpiece is easy to use and ensures that you are able to enjoy cool and fresh vape in an optimal way. Let the vaping begin!
Package Content
- 2 mouthpieces
Pax Labs
Founded in 2007, the objective of the Pax Labs company is to enable the use of cannabis in a pleasant and responsible way. To achieve this objective, Pax Labs features high-quality vaporizers and accessories in its range which provide its customers with a unique and personalised experience.