Jack Herer (Greenhouse Seeds) 5 seeds

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A solid, all-round weed is what you need for self-cultivation. High yield, decent THC percentage for a hard-hitting high and easy to maintain. Jack Herer does all of this. That’s why Jack Herer from Greenhouse Seeds has won countless prizes. If you order Jack Herer from us, you’ll get 5 germinating weed seed which after 8 weeks of flowering will have resin-rich buds. Indoors the yield is around 800 grammes per square metre and outside in a sunny garden you’ll harvest a good 1200 grammes from one plant at the end of September.

Info Specs Reviews

Jack Herer is a cross between a Red Skunk and an unidentified haze. The exact genetic background is a well-kept secret of Greenhouse Seed Co. We are able to tell you that the combination of both characteristics is very potent in the end result. Accordingly, the plant is of medium height and bushy with broad leaves and this multiple prizewinner will make you both high and stoned.

Jack Herer was an American politician who was pro legalization of cannabis. Jack Herer took part in the American elections in 1988 and 1992. As a tribute, a cannabis strain is named after him.

Characteristics of Jack Herer from Greenhouse Seeds:

  • Strong and long-lasting high and body stone with complex characteristics
  • Suitable for indoor, greenhouse and outdoor cultivation
  • High yields and easy to cultivate
  • Pleasantly earthy taste with fresh acidic tones of lemon
  • 5 feminised seeds
  • Medium-sized plant, suitable for beginners and for ScrOG cultivation technique

Taste and Effects

Weed from the Jack Herer produces a pleasantly subtle aroma that comes mainly from its skunk ancestry but nowhere near as powerful. Earthy and herbal describes it well. The haze ancestry also plays a role albeit with a lesser presence. It makes Jack Herer slightly fresher and a little bit acid. Just enough to open up your taste buds and not annoy the neighbours too much.

Sometimes a weed gets you really high without you hardly feeling anything in your body. With Jack Herer, this split is almost 50/50. You experience the effects in both body and mind. Over time the high in your head makes place for a magnificent stoned feeling in your body and arrives at the moment you start feeling hungry. Once the high has completely disappeared after a few hours, you are probably slumped on the sofa and notice that someone has raided the store cupboard. So stock up in time with something tasty to eat if you order these great weed seeds from us!

Growth and Crop

You can easily apply the ScrOG cultivation technique to Jack Herer. For this, you place a grid over buds which you keep placing higher during growth. In this way, a ‘screen of green’ comes about so to speak and you increase the yield by making maximum use of the available surface area with fewer plants. Jack Herer doesn’t expand much after it’s started to flower. Therefore we recommend you allow it to grow for a bit longer to increase the yield. At the end of the flowering, which only lasts for 8 weeks or so, you can get 800 grammes per square metre from the plant given sufficient light.

Jack Herer also does well outside. Put it in a sunny spot with enough air circulation to prevent mould. At the end of September, a Jack Herer plant will produce up to 1200 grammes under ideal conditions.

Germinating Jack Herer seeds? Greenhouse Seeds advises to first put the cannabis seeds in water overnight before germinating between cotton balls. See the image on this page for instructions by Greenhouse.

Specifications for Greenhouse Jack Herer Weed Seeds:

  • Genetics: Jack Herer (Red Skunk x Haze)
  • Indica / Sativa: 60% Indica, 40% Sativa
  • Location: Can be cultivated indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse
  • Flowering period: 8 weeks
  • Harvest month: Ready at the end of September
  • Taste: earthy, herbal and lemon
  • Effect: Complex mix of high and stoned. Appetite enhancing! 
  • THC percentage: Very high, approximately 21%
  • CBD percentage: Low, approximately 0.1%
  • Seeds: 5 Feminised seeds
  • Indoor yield: 800 grammes per square metre under ideal conditions
  • Outdoor yield: 1200 grammes per plant under ideal conditions
  • Autoflower: No

Use a vaporizer

We recommend to always use a vaporizer for medical use. A vaporizer is a healthier way to enjoy the cultivated plants. In our webshop we have a huge range of high-quality vaporizers available from stock.

Greenhouse Seeds

Greenhouse Seed Company has won many international Cannabis Cups in the past 25 years of existence, making it one of the most successful seed banks in the world. The complete line of genetics from Greenhouse Seeds is the result of intensive cultivation, crossing and backcrossing, resulting in a varied range of premium quality feminized seeds. Choose among autoflowering cannabis seeds, CBD cannabis seeds or seeds especially made for growing in specific conditions. Anyhow, Greenhouse Seed Co. is market leader in cannabis seeds with specific, delicious flavors and aromas.

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