Futura 75 Hemp Seeds
Do you want to grow your own hemp plants? Then these regular hemp seeds including a germination box are exactly what you are looking for. From these seeds grow hemp without THC. These hemp seeds are the ultimate test to see whether you are ready for the real work! A beautiful CBD rich hemp plant in your backyard as the ultimate present if you succeed for your germination diploma.
Practicing Germination
The right germination of cannabis seeds is a challenging job for everyone. Do you want to first practice with more affordable seeds? Because cannabis seeds are not cheap! It is delivered with a germination box and cotton pads. Apart from this germination box and a bottle of Spa water (non-carbonated water), you don't need anything else to successfully germinate the seeds.
Double Reward
Hemp seeds react exactly like cannabis seeds during germination. So you always win with this hemp seeds test package. If germination is successful, you will create a nice hemp plant that will bring you many benefits. The hemp plant that grows out of these seeds is very suitable for making CBD oil or for making tea.
As learning track for future hobby growers you will ensure that germination of expensive cannabis will have a bigger chance of success. If the germination is not so successful, you can learn from your errors and improve next time.
Characteristics Future 75 germination set:
- Organic hemp seeds
- Germination box
- From the leaves you can make tea,
- You can use the flowers to make CBD oil
- At the moment of harvest the CBD rate is ± 1.9%
CBD hemp
There is an increasing demand for CBD cannabis seeds. These seeds are often a bit more expensive and the germination of the cannabis seeds is a difficult task for the beginner. With cannabis seeds the germination percentage is close to 100% when you follow all the instructions carefully.
The good thing is that the hemp that grows out of these Futura 75 hemp seeds also contains CBD. The germination goes in the same way as with cannabis seeds, so it is a great exercise. A good preparation for everyone who wants to change to germination of cannabis seeds for home-growing.
Hemp and THC
For some people the difference between the cannabis and the hemp plants is not always very clear. The difference is in the level of THC in the buds of the final plant. There is no THC in the hemp plant. So from this hemp plant you can perfectly make pure CBD oil that does not contain any THC.
Usage Futura 75 Hemp Seeds
You can use the hemp seeds to improve your germination techniques or to optimize it. The seeds are organic and free of gluten.
- 25 regular hemp seeds
- Germination box (complete)