Precision Scales for Weed

Special precision scales for every job! From large gramme scales for serious work to mini scales for really accurate tasks. With one of our weed scales, your harvest is safe with. Whether it’s weed, hash, powders, liquids, smart drugs or something else. The best brands for the keenest prices!

per page
Precision Scale 200 Las Vegas (USA Weigh) 0,01 Best Buy
Professional digital scale (BLscale) 0.001g
Precision Scale SH-100 rainbow (On Balance) 0.01
Precision Scale SBM-100 | Silicone Bowl (On Balance) 0.01 Best Buy
Digital scale model U (BLscale) 0.1g
Precision Scale Audio CD (BLscale) 0,01
Gram Scale 7001DX (My Weigh) 1 Gram
Special Price 34,95 Regular Price 59,95
Precision Scale I-500 (My Weigh) 0,1
Special Price 49,95 Regular Price 79,00
Precision Scale MAR-100 Washdown (On Balance) 0.01
Weed Scale Tuff-Weigh (BLscale) 0,1
Calibration Weights | 100 grams Best Buy
Precision Scale 100 Nevada (USA Weigh) 0,01
Precision Scale 100 New Mexico (USA Weigh) 0,01

Looking for a beautiful, kitchen, gramme, drugs, milligram orprecision balance? For weighing your harvest, you are at the right place at Dutch-Headshop. Because here you will find all kinds of digital scales, suitable for weighing hash, weed, hash, herbs, jewels, powders or other substances! Check out our weed scales.

Digital balance features

All digital balances at the Dutch-Headshop basically have one important function: Weighing the total marijuana or hash harvest. Still, some balances have extra purposes. For example, digital kitchen scales or for weighing herbs or foodstuffs. Digital milligramme scales for liquids or microdosing. Or ones with which you can weigh powders or jewels, perhaps.

It’s really important to be able to accurately weigh your harvest or substances because you can never really tell how much of something you have with the naked eye. A one-off mistake by 0.1 grammes is not a disaster perhaps. But after it happens 20 times, it can be costing you a lot of money. The purchase of a weed scale is a small investment which will eventually save you a lot of money. And, by the way, a lot of trouble too!

Precision Scales - Different Options

Looking to buy digital scales? Examine carefully the specifications and different options for weed scales. To start off with, the accuracy and maximum capacity. Precision scales can vary in their degree of accuracy. You can get, for example, gramme scales which don’t display any figures after the decimal point (for larger-scale work therefore) Or really accurate scales which weigh right down the milligramme (0.001). Then there’s the question of the maximum capacity. Larger models, such as kitchen scales, may be able to weigh up to 3 kilos. Whereas tiny, mini scales may weigh a maximum of 100 grammes.

Precision scales might look like simple devices but don’t be fooled. Mini scales can be hiding a whole range of functions in addition to capacity and accuracy. Most of them allow you to weigh in different units of weight. Not just by gramme, but also by ounce (oz) troy ounce (ozt), deadweight tonnage (dwt), carat (ct) or grains, for instance.

Apart from these measuring methods, there are lots of handy options which can facilitate your weighing operations. Here are some examples:

  • Automatic calibration: scales sometimes go wrong. This can be for many reasons. But don’t panic. Many scales can reset themselves. Press the automatic calibration button and you’ll be back in business and able to carry on weighing.
  • Tare Weighing: this enables you to weigh just the content without the bowl, dish or packaging which is lying on the scales. For example, weigh a zipper bag. Press the ‘tare’ button and then fill it with 1 gramme. Saves a lot of bother.
  • Parts Counting: quality precision scales or kitchen scales (My Weigh I-500, for example) can assist you in counting how many items you have on the scales. Curious as to how many paper clips there are in a packet? 100? 350? Your digital precision scales can help you.

Weed Scale

You can use all our scales as a weed scale. You don't really need a lot to weigh weed. A reliable, accurate device that lasts a long time and that you can easily work with is the most important. If you are looking for a good weed scale, check the accuracy of the device. Do you only weigh large quantities? Then a gram scale is what you are looking for. However, do you use a scale for the smaller quantities? Every time around a gram per bag? Then we recommend that you use a scale with two decimal places (indicated by 0.01).

It is also useful if your weed scale has a nice large weighing platform. A compact scale sometimes doesn't have that. In that case it is nice if your scale has a "tare weighing" function. Then you can, for example, use the lid or a dish to increase your weighing surface. Also take a look at the SBM-100 from On Balance. This comes with a foldable silicone bowl that you can use as a cargo box and protective cover! That protective cover comes in handy because you sometimes take a weed scale with you. Good protection is nice. The BLscale Tuff-Weigh also has a hard-case protective cover. It can take a beating!

Looking to Buy Precision Scales? Our products!

Buying scales? We have a wide range with precision scales for any application. From mini scales for really accurate work up to much larger kitchen scales for heavier work. Here is an overview of our products:

Our Brands: Tanita, My Weigh, On Balance and More

At Dutch Headshop you can be sure that you’re buying good precision scales. That’s because we only serve up the best brands. Producers such as My Weigh or On Balance only make high-quality digital scales and accessories. Justice Scales are star buys in terms of the price/quality ratio. Are you on a limited budget but still want to get really accurate precision scales for weighing your weed or other substances? Justice Scales are your best choice.

After Weighing

Have you finished working with your digital weed scale? Then it’s time for the next step. We have no end of products in which you can store your weed, hash, shrooms, powder, liquids, dabs or whatever:

Explore our Storage category!