Sativa Cannabis Seeds

The list of cannabis seeds that have rightfully won a major Cannabis Cup, for instance at High Times, Highlife, or Spannabis.
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Purple Haze (Private Label) Best Buy

Starting at 8,95

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Auto Purple Haze (Private Label)

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Blue Amnesia Autoflower (Amsterdam Genetics) 3 seeds
Auto Skywalker (Private Label)

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Dutch-Headshop All-in-One Growbucket Grow Cannabis Best Buy

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Auto Maroc Purple (Private Label) New!

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Auto Dutch Orange Bud (Private Label)

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Auto Super Lemon Haze (Private Label)

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Amnesia Haze (Private Label) Top Quality

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Auto Green Crack (Private Label)

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Auto Lemon Skunk (Private Label)

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Bruce Banner Auto (Fast Buds)

Starting at 36,00

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Auto White Widow (Private Label)

Starting at 8,95

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White Widow (Private Label)

Starting at 8,95

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Super Lemon Haze Auto (Greenhouse Seeds)

Starting at 30,00

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Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto (Sweet Seeds)

Starting at 28,00

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Auto Skywalker Haze (Dutch Passion)

Starting at 24,95

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Mexican Airlines Auto (Fast Buds)

Starting at 24,00

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Blue Dream Auto (Fast Buds) Cup Winner

Starting at 30,00

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Amnesia Haze Automatic (Royal Queen Seeds) 5 seeds

Origin Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa was the first weed plant to be discovered. So it’s older than the Indica species. That could well be due to the place where Sativa mostly grows. In contrast to Indica, Sativa doesn’t grow in mountainous areas but only in locations where plenty of sun is to be found. Think here of sunny regions in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe also. Sativa weed was smuggled out of countries like Colombia and Thailand.

Initially, the plant was used as medicine. This mainly happened in Asian countries such as China and Thailand. The plant was discovered and used long before our era. Hash from the Sativa plant was already popular in Arab countries in the nineteenth century.

Sativa Weed

Sativa weed or cannabis sativa has some specific characteristics. For starters, sativa strains tend to grow taller than indica strains. You can reach heights of up to three meters and the flowering time takes a little longer. Therefore you will often have a higher yield when growing sativa weed. The leaves of a sativa weed plant also look different. They can be recognized by their finer leaves with thin fingers. Indica leaves are much broader.

Sativa strains also produce weed with different effects than indica strains. The effects are generally known for being more mentally enriching. Yet they are by no means all the same. The effects of sativa weed strains can vary enormously. However, there is often a clear dividing line with indica strains, which offer some more physically relaxing effects. Since we're talking about sativa weed here, we'll give you an overview of the most common effects further down this page.

Sativa Weed Strains & Types

With both indica and sativa cannabis strains, you have some very famous and popular strains. Who doesn't know the world famous White Widow? This is a good example of typical sativa weed. The energetic high you get from it fits exactly with this type of weed.

Of course, there are many more typical sativa weed varieties. How about Amnesia? Everyone has smoked it. There are many different kinds of Amnesia. The sativa strain descends from the Jack Herer. Along with Cinderella 99, the ancient ancestors of Amnesia weed. And whoever says Amnesia, of course immediately thinks of Amnesia Haze. It is one of the many varieties of haze in our assortment. If you search through our sativa weed varieties, or on the menu of the coffeeshop, you will come across many of these "haze strains".

Haze is Sativa

The best-known Cannabis Sativas in the Netherlands are the Haze strains. Lemon Haze, Silver Haze, Amnesia Haze… these are all weeds originating from Sativa weed seeds. Are you a lover of sweet haze who would love to cultivate his or her own haze plants? Then you’ve come to the right place. We have the best haze weed seeds for you in this category!

Cannabinoids in Sativa Strains

Cannabinoids are in every type of cannabis. These are substances which can bind themselves to receptors in your body which control feelings such as appetite, pain, tiredness and many other elements. As well as the familiar substances THC and CBD, there are many more active cannabinoids in indica such as sativa strains. Then there are the terpenes. These are substances which can change the taste and the effects.

There is relatively more CBD in Sativa than in Indica. This provides mind-bending effects. Indica is richer in THC which means you feel the effect in your whole body. With Sativa, you often get higher and you feel it most in your head. Out of the two types, this is the one that makes you sociable, joyful and euphoric.

Effects of Sativa Weed

Cannabis can affect everyone differently. But there are usually certain effects from Sativa or Indica types: The effects of Sativa in a nutshell:

  • Can have sociable and creative effects.
  • May bring about fits of laughter.
  • Thanks to its relatively higher CBD percentage, Sativa is suitable for relaxing and medicinal uses.
  • Energised feeling.
  • Cheerful and euphoric.
  • More of a feeling in your head than the whole body.
  • In a certain sense gives you energy.

Why Sativa Weed?

Indica and Sativa cannabis seeds each have their own benefits. The major reasons for choosing Sativa seeds are:

  • Sativa is usually richer in CBD than Indica.
  • Better for medical purposes.
  • Less rich in THC than Indica. So, less stoned in your whole body.
  • Larger plants with a higher yield per plant than Indica weed plants.
  • Longer flowering period than Indica.
  • Highly suited to outdoor cultivation (can be grown indoors too, but note: huge plants!)

Appearance of Sativa Strains

You can easily recognise Sativa weed plants. They are much bigger than plants from Indica seeds. They can achieve a good 3 metres in height and therefore grow above the fence. Their enormous size means you get a higher total yield per plant. However, if you examine the yield per m2 then Indica is the more productive. Sativa weed plants have a finer leaf than Indica weed plants. You can recognise the leaf from its elegant thin fingers with ‘sharp nails’. An Indica leaf can be as wide as that of a maple.

Our brands

Our range consists of Sativa weed seeds from the best brands on the market. These are the major ones:

  • Greenhouse Seed Company has won many international Cannabis Cups in the past 25 years of existence, making it one of the most successful seed banks in the world. The complete line of genetics from Greenhouse Seeds is the result of intensive cultivation, crossing and backcrossing, resulting in a varied range of premium quality feminized seeds. Choose among autoflowering cannabis seeds, CBD cannabis seeds or seeds especially made for growing in specific conditions. Anyhow, Greenhouse Seed Co. is market leader in cannabis seeds with specific, delicious flavors and aromas.
  • The Amsterdam Dutch Passion officially opened its doors in 1987, but the extensive cannabis genetics that formed the basis for the Dutch company dates back to the 1970s. Dutch Passion stands for expertise and Dutch pride. Dutch Passion's expert growers are the inventors of feminized cannabis seeds and they recently stepped into the flourishing world of CBD oil. For good reasons Dutch Passion won more than 50 Cannabis Cups with their world-famous cannabis genetics.
  • Barney’s Farm Seed company from Amsterdam is a team of experienced growers that work with cannabis seeds since its start in the 80s. Thanks to its experience, Barney's Farm is able to produce very high-quality seeds.
  • Royal Queen Seeds' mantelpiece is full with awards. Take the Special Queen #1, Royal Dwarf Autoflower and Northern Light, for example. These plants earned the renowned cannabis Cup from Highlife and High Times. The ability to win is a result of the unique genetic line, based on 20 years of professional experience in cultivation.
  • As well as Sativa weed seeds from the best-known brands, we also have our own house brand at Dutch-Headshop. Specially selected marijuana seeds from the best seed banks. These private label marijuana seeds are a good choice for the price-conscious grower, as there are no expenses for advertising and marketing. These are good quality seeds.