The lush taste and fruity, floral aroma of these ceremonial cacao paste chunks alone will lift you to higher realms. This paste is made from 100% Arriba "Nacional" beans from Ecuador. This premium cacao variety is praised for its rich, silky texture and unique flavor profiles, enhanced by cultivation in permaculture systems surrounded by tropical fruit trees such as oranges, avocados, and mangoes.
- Made from 100% Arriba "Nacional" cacao beans from Ecuador.
- Organic permaculture cultivation, surrounded by tropical fruit trees.
- Cold-processed from raw cacao beans to preserve nutrients and antioxidants.
- Rich, silky texture with fruity and floral aromas.
Cacao paste chunks from Sacra Cacao are carefully crafted through a cold process, preserving all essential nutrients and antioxidants. This makes the cacao paste not only a delight to consume but also a powerful superfood without preservatives or unwanted additives.
Ceremonial Cacao
Ceremonial cacao plays a central role in cacao ceremonies, where it is valued for its ability to open hearts and enlighten the mind. During these rituals, cacao is consumed to establish a deep spiritual connection. Ceremonial cacao beans are perfect for this purpose thanks to their rich, pure quality and the ancient wisdom they embody. These beans are imbued with spiritual energy, making each ceremony an authentic and powerful experience.
Usage for Ceremonies
Raw cacao can be consumed directly, but don't expect it to taste like a chunk of pure chocolate. The taste is bitter and strong. You can crumble the cacao paste and consume it, add it to food, or melt it (cacao paste melts best in a bain-marie or at very low temperature in a pan to prevent burning).
- Light dose: 20 grams for beginners or sensitive users
- Standard dose: 30-40 grams for a deeper experience
- Strong dose: 40 grams or more for more intense ceremonies
Cacao Ceremony for Beginners
- Create a sacred space: Cleanse your environment with sage, Palo Santo, or incense.
- Form a circle: Invite participants to sit in a circle and distribute the cacao drink.
- Set intentions: While everyone holds the cacao drink, encourage each other to blow your intentions into the cacao and 'activate' it with personal prayers or wishes.
- Drink the cacao: Drink the cacao together. Take the time to feel the taste, warmth, and energy of the cacao.
- Activities: Continue the ceremony with meditation, singing, dancing, drumming, or other activities to connect the group and deepen the intentions.
100% Ceremonial Raw Cacao Arriba "Nacional" Paste from Ecuador.
Packaging Contents
150 grams
About Sacra Cacao
Cacao is more than the basis for chocolate. Sacra Cacao offers products that give everyone access to experience the world of ritual cacao ceremonies. A practice that, until recently, was shrouded in mystery for the western world. At Sacra Cacao, they work closely with cacao farmers from various countries. As a result, wages are fair, the quality of the cacao is top-notch, and we can trace the preparation