Bought a big bag of weed or a nice harvest of your cannabis plants? Then it's time to weigh. In this Quick Tip, we explain which weed scale is best to choose. We also give tips on how to use the precision scale the best way possible.
Choosing a weed scale
To weigh small amounts of weed, you need a weed scale. There are differences between these precision scales. To make a good choice, there are several things to consider:
- Do you want to take the weed scale somewhere or does it stay in one place? Choose a portable scale or just one with a power cord.
- Be sure to look at these specifications: the size of the scale, the size of the weighing platform, the maximum capacity and the precision with which it weighs. Furthermore, 'tare weighing' is a very useful function in weed weighing.
The Precision of a scale
Perhaps most important is the precision with which the device weighs the weed. A weed scale may indicate the weight in whole grams, with one decimal place (0.1), two decimal places (0.01) or even three (0.001). Often the rule applies: the more precise the scale, the lower the maximum capacity. Keep that in mind!
We have described three situations for you to make a good choice when it comes to the precision of your weed scale:
- Do you have large quantities and a difference of half a gram doesn't matter? Choose a gram scale. Note that these are often not portable.
- Do you have quantities of about 10 to 200 grams and don't need to be very precise? Then a 0.1 scale will do.
- Do you only need to weigh a few grams and will it be small quantities of 0.10 to 10 grams? Choose a 0.01 scale.
- Very small quantities under 1 gram? Or do you just want to weigh everything as precisely as possible? For example, powders or liquid material? Go for a 0.001 gram or milligram scale.
Step-by-step weighing with a weed scale
Have you chosen a weed scale that suits your situation? Then you can get started. It is useful to stock up on packing materials such as storage jars or grip bags. Then follow these steps:
- Place the weed scale on a flat surface (level) and make sure there is no wind or air circulation. That interferes with weighing and then the results won't be correct.
- Turn on your scale and see if what you want to weigh fits on the weighing platform. Does it not fit? Use the tare weighing function to enlarge the platform. Place the lid of the scale or a container on the platform while it is on and press "Tare," often indicated by "T." You now weigh only what you put on the lid or in the tray.
- Carefully place the weed on the scale without touching the tray. Continue until you reach the desired amount.
- Carefully take the weed off the scale and put it in a bag or jar. Handy: if you use the tare weighing function with a lid, you only need to take it off the weed scale each time. Goes a lot faster!
- Don't trust the scale's readings? Calibrate your scale using a calibration weight. Instructions can be found in the manual. It is advisable to calibrate your scale once in a while in case of frequent use.
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