Spanish fly for sex? Pop one in for exciting adventures? Just be aware that some of these aphrodisiacs are not without their dangers. Ordering an uncontrolled blue pill from China, for example, can have unpleasant consequences. In this article, we examine commonly used drugs and look at natural aphrodisiacs that make the experience in bed more enjoyable.
Try out Spanish fly
The Spanish Fly is perhaps the most famous and infamous aphrodisiac on the market. The original Spanish Fly is extracted from oil beetles or their dung. They excrete a substance that they use to defend themselves. This substance is called cantharidin and causes blisters on the skin. No wonder that Spanish Fly extract burns in both mouth and throat! It also causes urinary tract infections, urethral scarring and other irritations in that area. That is why blood rushes to the genitals in both men and women - resulting in itchy sexual arousal.
Trying Spanish Fly is not risk-free. There are rare cases known where people have even died as a result of the infection and the rather sudden and violent displacement of the blood.
Instead of "burning beetle juice" you can find a safer alternative in the drugstore and in our sex shop, based on amino acids, vitamins and yohimbe. Yohimbe is an African and Indian herb that stimulates nerve centers in the spine. This allows you to get an erection without it causing sexual arousal. Yohimbe is therefore known as a plant-based viagra. Yohimbe is not completely harmless in high or frequent doses, however. It can cause anxiety disorders, overstimulation and paralysis. Our Spanish Fly Extra contains 0.3 mg yohimbine ascorbate.
Are poppers dangerous?
Poppers were used in the 1960s as a heart medication. The capsules were then broken or "popped" releasing the chemicals. Amyl nitrite is and was the most common example of poppers. Today, poppers are used almost exclusively recreationally. Especially in the gay scene. The vapour from a bottle is inhaled directly to get an almost instant high with warm feelings. Then the blood pressure drops rapidly. Poppers dilate the blood vessels. This is why you can become light-headed, dizzy and faint. Your heart rate also goes up. If poppers have these dangerous side effects, why are they used? Well, they relax the sphincter muscle. This is why poppers are sometimes used to make anal sex easier. Furthermore, poppers can enhance the orgasm and the experience of sex. But not without risk. In this sense poppers are dangerous.
As a safe alternative you should choose Herbal Poppers by Rush. With a spray under your tongue, you experience the pleasure but not the dangers of chemical poppers. The chemicals have been replaced with Siberian ginseng, cranberry, ginkgo and amino acids that promote sexual arousal in a safe way.
Is she ordering aphrodisiacs at Dutch-Headshop?
Natural Erection pills & Stimulants for women
Viagra is a medication prescribed to temporarily reduce the incidence of clinical erectile dysfunction. Although viagra does not cure erectile dysfunction or increase the desire for sex, it does stimulate blood circulation in the pubic area. This makes it easier to achieve and maintain an erection. It is possible to buy viagra through the black market, but it is a medication that is only prescribed by a doctor. Therefore it is not allowed to buy viagra.
Doctor’s prescription only.
If you do not have erectile dysfunction, there are safer alternatives. King Active is our bestseller in our online sex shop. These natural erection pills promote sexual performance through natural ingredients. Ginseng, Maca and Tribulus terrestris, for example. The last one is used to improve both sports performance and performance in bed. Tribulus terrestris is said to increase testosterone. However, the research for this is very sparse. However, the herb can increase the libido of both men and women [1,2,3,4]. For women, however, there is the more appropriate Queen Active with muira puama, kola nut and guarana.
Stimulating Herbs
We have reviewed some of the herbs found in some of ?our aphrodisiacs and natural erection pills. Let's briefly cover some herbs that may help to make the experience in bed more enjoyable. We do not offer any guarantees here, but describe traditional uses.
Muira puama
Muira puama is extracted from the root bark of the muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides). A tree found in the Brazilian rainforests. It literally means "potency wood" and is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and potency enhancer. The herb gives you a sensual feeling all over your body, can be an aphrodisiac and causes relaxation.
You can find damiana (Turnera diffusa) in a patch of northern rainforest. Damiana has a long history of being used as an aphrodisiac by both the Mayans and the Aztecs. The Mayas used damiana as a stimulant and the Aztecs saw potency-enhancing qualities in the herb. Damiana contains compounds that directly stimulate the nerves of the sexual organs and relaxes the muscles. It causes a slight high, sexual excitement and promotes blood circulation in the pubic area in both men and women.
Maca is an adaptogenic herb that has been used traditionally in Peru for over 2,000 years to boost the libido. It is said to be effective both in bed and at work because, according to tradition, it provides mental acuity and increased sex drive. In the Andes, maca is one of the two most important dietary sources. At that enormous altitude in Peru, only potatoes and maca grow! It is not uncommon for people there to eat two ounces of maca per day.
For ages, ginseng has also been said to stimulate the sexual drive. Ginseng is particularly celebrated in traditional Chinese medicine. The root is said to have a broader application than just increasing libido, but there is also actual evidence for improving sexual performance. Several animal studies have been conducted on whether ginseng can increase sexual drive [5]. Ginseng can improve libido and enhance sexual performance. This has been confirmed in studies with humans. It may also improve both the quality and quantity of sperm in healthy men [5].
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba or Japanese nut tree has been used in Asia for thousands of years for a variety of purposes. It promotes blood circulation and heart health, helps to heal inflammation and has the potential to contribute to other aspects of health. But for the dozens of health claims that rest under the heading of Ginkgo biloba, more research is needed. Because ginkgo promotes blood circulation, the theory is that it would help in getting an erection. But there is no conclusive answer to this.
Cannabis, Party sdrugs and Psychedelics
It is well known that weed, psychedelics and party drugs such as XTC and 2C-B can have an aphrodisiac effect. Although the first-mentioned drugs do not necessarily have to do this for everyone, all of them do have aphrodisiac qualities. They bring a warm and relaxed feeling and often take away inhibitions. Mushrooms, mescaline and LSD temporarily reduce the effect of the 'brain filter', which often makes you behave more socially, empathetically and lovingly. When micro dosing for a while these are some of the reported effects. With XTC you suddenly love everybody and 2C-B is a bit in between LSD and XTC. Cannabis has aphrodisiac properties that have been known for thousands of years, but use it in moderation if that is your goal. When you're stoned out of your mind, it becomes very difficult to get moving! Both men and women report an increased desire for sex with a little weed.
Weed, however, is not procreative. THC makes sperm cells lazy and the ova have difficulty nestling on the uterine wall after fertilization. As far as we know THC is not harmful in combination with the contraceptive pill. The effect of the pill appears to be unaffected by THC. Smoking, however, has a negative effect on the effectivity of the pill.
- [1] Neychev, V. Mitev, V. “Pro-sexual and androgen enhancing effects of Tribulus terrestris L.: Fact or Fiction”. 28 dec. 2015. PMID: 26727646 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.12.055.
- [2] Protich, M. et al. “Clinical trial of a tribestan preparation in infertile men”. PMID: 6367515.
- [3] Akhtari, E. et al. “Tribulus terrestris for treatment of sexual dysfunction in women: randomized double-blind placebo - controlled study”. 28 apr. 2014. PMID: 24773615 DOI: 10.1186/2008-2231-22-40.
- [4] Kamenov, Z. et al. “Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Tribulus terrestris in male sexual dysfunction-A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial”. mei 2017. PMID: 28364864 DOI: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2017.01.011.
- [5] Leung, K.W. Wong, A.ST. “Ginseng and male reproductive function”. 1 jul. 2013. PMID: 24381805 DOI: 10.4161/spmg.26391.