When a cool racing game comes out, we also dream about the game at night. But playing the game during your dream? Next level, and that's pretty much what they've done at REMspace. At this trendy startup from California, they've outdone the self-driving car. 5 trained lucid dreamers managed to control a car in a game while they were sleeping.
Yes, five dreamers managed to drive a car in their lucid dream. They could even avoid obstacles that appeared on a screen.
Lucid Dreaming
Have you ever dreamed you were flying or suddenly realized you were in a dream and could do anything you wanted? Lucid dreaming is the phenomenon where the dreamer becomes aware that he or she is dreaming. In this state of consciousness, the dreamer can often influence the content and course of the dream.
This offers unique opportunities for self-exploration and problem-solving, as the boundaries of physical reality do not apply. Research into lucid dreaming has shown that it is a skill people can develop, making it a fascinating topic within both science and personal development.
Dreams and Multitasking
We spend an average of 26 years of our life sleeping. That's a third of our existence. On top of that, we spend an incredible amount of time trying to fall asleep.
Sleep is definitely not useless. It is even vital. It gives our body rest and allows our brains to reset. Yet, many wonder if that time could be better spent.
Some people solve problems in their sleep, which they can then express in their daily life. With this idea in mind, REMspace explored whether it is possible to connect people to computers during their sleep. This way, they could see if people can perform tasks from a dream state.
Technology for Lucid Dreaming
The REMspace team used advanced equipment based on electromyography sensors. These sensors detect a person's movements and send this information to the computer, which then mimics the action with a virtual avatar. In this case, a virtual car, where the participants' hand movements steered the vehicle. Light perceived through the eyelids indicated the presence of obstacles.
Five participants with experience in lucid dreaming succeeded in consciously controlling a virtual car during their sleep. Polysomnographic monitoring confirmed that their brains were in a state of REM sleep. They were able to control the virtual car by tensing their muscles and responding to light signals that indicated obstacles. In total, 18 lucid dreams were induced by 5 different participants, with attempts to control the car in 12 cases.
One participant managed to control the car in five different lucid dreams, despite a malfunctioning sensor. This participant made various successful maneuvers to avoid obstacles before waking up. Another participant had difficulty detecting EMG signals but still managed to make subtle movements to avoid obstacles.
A third participant managed to drive the car straight and make controlled turns, while a fourth participant struggled with control due to the short duration of the lucid dream. Despite some technical and physical challenges, the research shows that it is possible to interact with a virtual environment from lucid dreams.
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New Field of Research
"Interacting with a computer from dreams opens up a whole new field of technologies," said Michael Raduga, the leader of the experiment. Raduga's earlier research focused mainly on the dissociative state of consciousness often described as out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and related phases, including lucid dreams.
"These developments are still in their infancy," says Raduga, "but they will soon change our view of human capabilities."
REMspace has previously conducted research on transferring music and speech from dreams. Later this year, the startup plans to launch what will be the first device that allows people to connect to the internet during lucid dreams. We would call the device "Dreamcatcher," or is that too obvious? You heard it first on Dutch-Headshop.
The results of the research team will appear in an upcoming edition of the International Journal of Dream Research. What's the next step? Controlling physical objects during your dream? Real cars?
Learning Lucid Dreaming?
Dream herbs can help you, but to learn lucid dreaming, one of the most effective methods is keeping a dream journal. Place this booklet beside your bed and write down your dreams every morning immediately after waking up, even the smallest details. This not only helps improve your dream recall but also increases your awareness of dream patterns and themes. Over time, you will begin to recognize patterns or signals that may indicate you are dreaming, which increases the chances of lucid dreaming. Combine this with self-suggestion before going to sleep, telling yourself that you will realize you are dreaming, to train your subconscious in recognizing the dream state. More tips are available in the article on lucid dreaming.
Raduga, M. Shashkov, A. Vanin. “Two-way control of a virtual avatar from lucid dreams” Jan 26, 2024. PsyArXiv Preprints.