The first two phases of growing cannabis are germinating and planting cannabis seeds. A meticulous job that has to be done right the first time, otherwise the seed is useless. In this Quick Tip we explain in a nutshell how it works.
Planting Cannabis Seeds (Already germinated)
We recommend that you always germinate your cannabis seeds before you plant them. Then you have the most influence on the process and therefore the greatest chance of success. It goes as follows.
- Make sure the temperature in the room where you will plant is between 19 °C and 26 °C.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before picking up the germinated seed or use tweezers.
- Using a pen, teaspoon or your finger, make a hole in the center of the pot. About half a centimeter deep.
- Pick up the seed and put it, root side down, into the soil.
- Cover the seed with a small amount of soil. Do not push in the soil.
- Moisten the soil. Do not get it soaking wet, otherwise the seeds will 'drown'. Keep the humidity in the room high.
After a few days the plant will emerge from the surface. Do not add nutrition for the first 10-14 days. Provide sunlight (outdoors) or artificial light (indoors).
Planting cannabis seeds into the soil (Directly)
Prefer to go the old fashioned way? Planting cannabis seeds directly into the soil is also possible. Some growers love this method because it's the most natural and you can't damage the roots. Planting cannabis seeds directly into soil? Simply use the instructions above. You only plant a seed that has not yet germinated. Try to insert the seed with the pointed side down into the soil. Carefully cover with a small amount of soil, making sure to keep it airy. Keep the soil constantly moist, but not soaking wet. And importantly, leave the seed alone. It can take up to 14 days for the plant to emerge (usually after 5-10 days).
When planting cannabis seeds directly into the soil make sure that no extra nutrients have been added to the soil. Sprouting plugs or Spongepots are suitable for this.
When to plant cannabis seeds (outdoors)
Now that you know how to plant cannabis seeds, you can get started. When growing indoors it doesn't matter when you start, but for growing outdoors it sure does. So, "When to plant cannabis seeds outdoors?" The rule for that is: a weed plant can be outdoors after Ice Saints. This is around the second week of May. From this moment on there is almost no chance of night frost outdoors and your plant can survive outdoors. So start planting cannabis seeds from the beginning of May. Then they can still spend the seedling phase indoors, before going outdoors. Start planting earlier if you want to pre-grow.