Did you know that the first two weeks of a weed plant are perhaps the most difficult? Taking care of a cannabis seedling is heartbreakingly difficult. That's because she is small and fragile. For example, what temperature does your young weed plant like and how much water should you give her? Why is she hanging limp now? The answer to all your questions about cannabis seedlings.
What is a Cannabis Seedling?
A seedling is a young plant that came from a seed. A seedling. Not a cutting for a mother plant. A cannabis seedling is created when a seed bursts open (germinates) and the main root settles in the medium. The little green plant that emerges above the ground afterwards is called a cannabis seedling. You can recognize them by the two drop-shaped leaves on a small stalk. Those leaves are called cotyledons. Together, they push open the seed and catch the first rays of light. Next come the first mini leaves. These have only one "finger" each. When the seedling has created a full-blown weed leaf with five or seven fingers, you can say it is in the growth phase. Then your weed plant is mature. The seedling phase in weed plants usually lasts about 7 to 14 days and is incredibly important for the rest of the grow.
First Germination
So before you can start taking care of cannabis seedlings, you must first germinate weed seeds. There are several ways to do that. We wouldn't be Dutch-Headshop if we didn't research the best germination method. After germinating more than 900 seeds, we can say with certainty that it's best to soak them in a glass of water before germinating them in a coffee filter (or between cotton balls). Then you can hardly go wrong! Clear instructions can be found in our blog: “Germinating weed seeds? The Best Way Explained”.
A newborn cannabis seedling, with the cotyledons left and right.
Caring for cannabis seedlings perfectly
During the first phase of growing weed, you need to pay close attention to what you are doing. In fact, taking care of cannabis seedlings is quite tricky. This is because the young weed plants are very weak and fragile. For example, they are very sensitive to light, nutrients and temperature. And are the conditions not ideal? Then you can run into all sorts of problems such as limp hanging seedlings, burnt leaves or stretching plants. All these problems slow down the growth and therefore the yield and potency of your weed plant.
Taking good care of cannabis seedlings is therefore extremely important if you want to achieve high yields and grow good quality weed. Go through the points below carefully and give your young weed plant all the love it deserves.
Pot & Medium
cannabis seedlings do not necessarily need to grow in a large pot. It's best to opt for small cutting pots or large plastic cups. This is because you often repot the plants after they pass the seedling stage. This is because a richly filled medium is not suitable for seedlings. Just make sure the medium is airy, the pH level is up to par (6.0 - 6.5) and the pot has holes at the bottom for drainage. Then the roots can develop properly.
Growing and flowering weed plants need a rich medium. Seedlings, on the other hand, do not. So don't put them in fertilized soil, but choose standard potting soil or cutting soil. That contains little to no nutrients and that is exactly the point. In fact, the plant first gets the necessary nutrition from the seed.
Once the seedling phase is over you can repot the plants to a larger pot with a different medium. With autoflowers we often choose to put the seedling directly into the larger pot because the life cycle is much shorter than with normal, photo periodic plants. In any case, make sure that the soil in the seedling phase is not yet richly filled with all kinds of nutrients.
No Nutrition
Because they are so small, cannabis seedlings can't process many nutrients yet. A cannabis seedling contains just enough nutrition to get your seedling through the first few days. When the amount of nutrients gets too high, the medium is toxic to the seedling. The leaves burn, so to speak, due to the excess of nutrients. So they will suffer from all kinds of leaf problems and, in the worst case, your weed baby will not survive. So don't choose a nutrient-rich soil, don't use soil improvers and certainly don't fool around with growth nutrients.
Light, Temperature & Humidity
In general, cannabis seedlings should be in a warm and humid environment that is provided with enough light.
But what does adequate light mean? A common mistake is to put weed plants in front of the window. On the windowsill, they don't get enough light. Whether you grow behind medieval single glass or modern HR windows. The plant will then stretch toward the little bit of light that does come in, making the plant slouchy and limp. The other extreme is putting your weed plant right under a 600 watt HID lamp or hanging a dazzling LED grow light above the plant. Your brand-new weed plant is not going to like that. It may suffer from light stress or even burn. It's best to opt for an appropriate blue spectrum CFL lamp. These energy-saving lamps often give just enough light and are therefore not harmful to your cannabis seedling. You can set them up as close as you like. Just be careful not to get too hot. Turn the lamp on for 18 hours and off for 6 hours for best results.
A CFL lamp like this is best suited for cannabis seedlings. Look for one with a blue spectrum.
Seedlings will thrive at a temperature between 20°C and 25°C. Is the temperature too low? The young plant's cells don't like that, which reduces their ability to convert water, oxygen and nutrition into energy. Too high temperatures create stress, which can cause all kinds of diseases and leaf problems.
Put the cannabis seedlings in a humid space. Aim for a humidity of 60%. If you are too far below that, growth will slow down. If humidity is too high, you have a chance of all kinds of fungi and diseases. You can measure the temperature and humidity with a thermo- & hygrometer.
Watering the Seedling
The water needs of cannabis seedlings are different from those of adult weed plants. Because the soil is not as deep it dries out faster and you need to water a little more often. While doing so, be careful not to give too much. The medium in which the seedling is planted should be moist, but not soaking wet. Then the roots will drown and rot. If the soil is constantly moist, the roots are always looking for water and can develop optimally. So give just a little bit at each watering.
If you are growing in a small cutting pot or cup, your seedling usually needs water twice a day. To be sure she needs water, stick a finger about two inches deep into the soil. If the soil is still moist, you don't need to water yet. If the soil feels dry, you can water.
Do not use a watering can or put them under the faucet. A strong jet can cause stress and may even damage the roots. Therefore, preferably use a plant sprayer. With a larger pot, water only around the plant. That way it runs down exactly where the roots are.
Seedlings in the open air
It's best to grow cannabis seedlings indoors. There you have more control over conditions and they won't have to deal with severe weather conditions. However, some growers don't want to have a weed plant in the house, in which case there's no other option. In that case, there are a few things to consider.
- It is best to start between May and July. During that time, there is enough light outside for your seedling to grow well.
- Make sure it is not too cold. If it gets much colder than 15°C at night, it can slow down growth.
- Put them in a spot out of the wind. One good blast of wind and your seedling will break.
- Watch out for pests. There's all sorts of things roaming around outside that will mistake your young weed plant for food. Protect your seedling by putting it in a propagator or greenhouse. Make sure she still gets plenty of light and fresh air.
Outdoors there are many factors that can interfere with the care of your cannabis seedlings. So prefer to keep them indoors. cannabis seedlings don't smell and are incredibly small. You might choose to put them outside during the day (if conditions are right) and bring them inside at night to protect them.
Tools in cannabis seedling Care
Finally, a few tools that will make taking care of your cannabis seedlings a little easier.
A propagator is a small germination and cutting container in which you can control temperature, humidity and light very well. By putting your seedlings in a propagator you protect them from outside influences. You can also use a propagator outdoors.
Spongepots or sprout pads can be used to germinate your weed seeds. They contain cutting soil without too many additives, making them an ideal medium for cannabis seedlings.
You can purchase a small greenhouse if you want to grow your seedlings outside. As mentioned, they protect your young weed plant from pests and weather conditions.
After the Seedling Phase
Has your little plant made it through the seedling phase? Then she will start growing and flowering for a few weeks. Be sure to grab our tips to make those phases as successful as possible.