Germinating weed seeds can be done in 1001 ways. In a glass of water, under a lamp and using household items such as coffee filters and extra soft toilet paper. But you can also do it in a fancy way. That's why we include a germination kit with our private label weed seeds. In this test, we compare not only methods but also conditions. For example, does germinating in light or dark matter? And pre-soaking in water? In this huge trial we have sacrificed a total of 940 weed seeds for you to answer once and for all the question: which germination method is best?
We reverse it. First, the juicy conclusion of our research. What is the best method for germinating weed seeds?
That just depends on what you mean by "the best" method. With our experience in editing and customer service, we see quite a few germinated and non-germinated weed seeds from customers. Here are our tips based on the research.
- If you can place the seeds nicely with the pointed side down, the little roots will also grow downward. The seeds in which this is done carefully develop the longest and most beautiful roots. If you can hang the seeds, it works to your advantage.
- Pre-soaking weed seeds in a glass of water for 8 hours is a great idea. It makes weed seeds germinate up to a day faster.
- However, we do advise you to put the seeds between cotton balls, paper or something similar after 8 hours - or the moment the seed bursts open.
- Then you can plant your weed seeds after 2 to 3 days. When 1.5 cm of root protrudes from the seed.
- A little indirect sunlight after germination is beneficial to get photosynthesis going quickly. This directly contributes to healthy roots.
- Cotton wool, coffee filters or toilet paper ... the concept is all the same. The best quality roots are created when you constantly expose weed seeds to plenty of moisture, but don't totally submerge them in water once they have germinated.
- The type of water makes little difference in germination rate according to our test. However, we did see healthier roots with slightly mineral-rich tap water than with mineral-poor spring water.
Test 1: Germinating Weed Seeds with Coffee Filter, Glass of Water or cotton Wads?
Which method of germination is best? Weed seeds in a coffee filter? In a glass of water? Or the Dutch-Headshop germination kit? And should they be placed in the dark or do they germinate better in light?
Test 1 is all about trying out different methods. Our Breaking Bad company kitchenette from the big truffle drying test was used again as a location. We don't have natural daylight in there, but we did leave the door open. That way a little daylight creeps around the corner, and we also left the "atmospheric" fluorescent light on during office hours. This way we thought we could see if there was a difference between germinating in the light and in the dark. So we germinated half in a dark kitchen cabinet and the other half on the outside on the cabinet door.
This is what test 1 looked like:
- ? 25x cannabis seeds in coffee filter plus grip bag in the light
- ? 25x cannabis seeds in coffee filter plus grip bag in the dark
- ? 25x cannabis seeds in paper tea bag plus grip bag in the light
- ? 25x cannabis seeds in paper tea bag plus grip bag in the dark
- ? 25x cannabis seeds in germination tray on the kitchen counter
- ? 15x cannabis seeds in germination tray plus grip bag on the kitchen counter
- ? 50x cannabis seeds directly in glass of water on the kitchen counter
So a total of 190 Auto Bubble Gum weed seeds were on the rack during this test. After 6 days, a total of 175 seeds had germinated. Do you want a guarantee that everything will germinate? Then scroll all the way down in this article and order the Dutch-Headshop Germination Guarantee with your next order of weed seeds. Which method was the best and which the fastest? These are the results of our first test.
Germination rates and speed
The award for the fastest germination method goes to depositing cannabis seeds in a glass of water. After 24 hours 14% had germinated and after 48 hours 84%. That's an 18% higher germination rate than number two; the paper tea bag in a dark kitchen cabinet. That tea bag, by the way, is similar to recycled toilet paper; another popular method.
Quality after germination
There is also something to say about the quality of the roots, since there is quite a difference in the appearance of the roots. With the coffee filter method, we found some white fuzz on the roots after 72 hours. This is a good sign, as it indicates the formation of micro hairs that the roots use to extract oxygen and nutrients from the water.
Normally, after 72 hours, weed seeds are germinated enough to plant them in the All-in-One Growbucket, rockwool, coco, a germination plug or spongepot - whatever you want. It's important, though, that you consider pre-growing your young cannabis plant. Read this blog about pre-growing cannabis to improve your yield.
However, if we let the weed seeds sit longer, we can exclaim additional things about the quality of the roots. But you shouldn't do that if you're actually going to plant the cannabis seeds. After 144 hours, we also saw branching of the seeds in the coffee filters we had attached to the outside of the kitchen cabinet - in the light. One possible explanation is the moment when the cotyledons (the first leaves) come into contact with the light. Then photosynthesis starts gently and the seedling has the opportunity to produce sugars and stimulate root growth.
But: germinated weed seeds may be planted as soon as there is 1.5 cm of root on them. Then the root can properly reach around and create the firmness your young cannabis plant needs.
Two of the coffee filters hanging on the inside of the cabinet were completely moldy. Possibly from contamination during set-up. So something to be extra careful with. At the very least, wash your hands before touching weed seeds. Rather pick them up with sterile tweezers and don't touch the stuff you use for germination with your hands either.
Both the tea bags and coffee filters all had the most beautiful, straight roots. That's because you can lay the seeds down nicely, with the pointed side down. As a result, the root grows down from the bottom. The seeds where this was done carefully had the longest and most beautiful roots.
More questions than answers
As is often the case with research, you run into more questions than answers. That's why we're going to set up another test. How long should you actually put cannabis seeds in a glass of water for the best chance of germinating with the most beautiful roots? Is a combination of a glass of water and one of the methods described perhaps best?
Also, between the measurement of 24 and 48 hours we see the biggest jump with whichever method. We are going to try an additional measurement in between to better understand which method is really the fastest. We also see that there is relatively little difference between germinating in the dark and in the limited fluorescent light of our commercial kitchen. Therefore, we are going to germinate the cannabis seeds in a different place for the second test, so we can make a bigger difference between germinating in darkness and in (day) light.
Test 2: Light and Pre-soaking
Does it really matter if you germinate in darkness, as it does in soil? Or does it not matter if your seeds get a little sunlight? Also, we definitely want to know how long is best to pre-soak weed seeds to get the fastest and best results.
This is what test 2 looked like:
- 130x in germination tray, of which: 40x do not pre-soak, 30x 4 hour pre-soak, 30x 8 hour pre-soak and 30x 24 hour pre-soak.
- 120x in tea bag in the dark, of which: 30x do not pre-soak, 30x 4 hour pre-soak, 30x 8 hour pre-soak and 30x 24 hour pre-soak.
- 120x in tea bag in the (sun) light, of which: 30x do not pre-soak, 30x 4 hours pre-soak, 30x 8 hours pre-soak and 30x 24 hours pre-soak.
- 120x in coffee filter in the dark, of which: 30x do not pre-soak, 30x 4 hours pre-soak, 30x 8 hours pre-soak and 30x 24 hours pre-soak.
- 118x in coffee filter in the (sun) light, of which: 30x do not pre-soak, 30x 4 hour pre-soak, 30x 8 hour pre-soak and 28x 24 hour pre-soak..
So for test 2, we increased the numbers considerably. In total there are now 608 Auto Bubble Gum cannabis seeds to germinate.
Results test 2 - Not pre-soaking in glass of water
Results test 2 - 4 hours pre-soaking in glass of water
Results test 2 - 8 hours pre-soaking in glass of water
Results test 2 - 24 hours pre-soaking in glass of water
Conclusion 1: How long should you pre-soak cannabis seeds in glass of water?
One of the goals of this test was to determine if and how long it is best to pre-soak in a glass of water for the fastest and best results. Adding up the totals and plotting them in a new graph, we noticed that it is indeed best to pre-soak longer than not pre-soak at all. This is something we also see in test 1. However, it is interesting to note that in our test not pre-soaking leads to a higher germination percentage than 4 hours pre-soaking (93% versus 89%). We blame the natural variation of the weed seeds.
The difference of not pre-soaking (left) with 24 hours of pre-soaking in a glass of water. The photos were both taken 48 hours after germination. The roots are already better developed due to longer contact with water.
The difference of not pre-soaking (left) with 4 hours of pre-soaking in a glass of water. Here, too, we see a difference. But keep in mind that the coffee filters are also soaking wet.
Pre-soaking weed seeds in a glass of water for 8-24 hours is a great idea. It makes most cannabis seeds germinate faster.
Conclusion 2: Germinate in the light or in the dark?
A second purpose of this germination test was to find out if it made any difference if seeds were exposed to indirect sunlight. For that reason, we had hung the approximately half of the seeds on a cabinet with a large skylight above it. The other half we hung from the inside of the same cabinet. We also added up the totals from the first test. This way we can understand even better the influence of light or darkness on the germination percentages. In the graph below you can see that the weed seeds that get a little indirect sunlight germinate the fastest, followed closely by those germinating in darkness. Curiously, under a fluorescent beam germination is slower. All 3 methods ultimately lead to similar germination rates. But then we have to be patient for 6 days.
Since germination rates are close, it is extra important to also evaluate the quality of the roots. This is because there is a story that the microhairs of the roots burn in sunlight, making the roots less healthy. This can lead to numerous problems during growth. From difficulty absorbing nutrients to root rot. After all, this is not about 1 or 2 days difference in speed of germination, but ultimately healthy cannabis plants with mountains of yield. The foundation for that are healthy roots.
Judging by the length of the roots, we see little difference between germinating in the dark or light after 144 hours.
It makes sense that the young leaves are yellow when you germinate in the dark. After all, they get no sunlight to initiate photosynthesis.
It's all about the quality of the roots. If we compare all the roots, we see just a little more branching and just more microhairs on the roots when you germinate in the light.
We see the same with the coffee filter method. Whether we pre-soak for 8 hours or 24 hours; the result is the same.
A little indirect sunlight does not seem to be a problem for root development. In fact, it seems to be beneficial, as early photosynthesis through the young leaves may contribute to healthy roots.
Conclusion 3: Coffee Filter, Glass of Water, Germination Tray, or Tea Bag?
If we add up all the numbers of germination methods from both tests, regardless of whether we pre-soak, germinate in the light or in darkness, we see the following results:
These numbers only confirm that germinating in a glass of water leads to rapidly germinating cannabis seeds. But after 48 hours, you can see that the germination method no longer matters much for the germination rate. Furthermore, you should interpret these results with caution. Because looking only at the numbers, we cannot yet say anything about the quality of the germinated seeds. But what can we say about that? On to the pictures.
In a paper tea bag. Pretty, quite straight and lots of branching.
In a coffee filter, we see a little more variation between the quality of the roots, but branching is very nicely developed.
In our germination tray, we found wriggly roots after 6 days. This is not surprising, because the cotton wool gives them nowhere to go. But it is not the idea to leave them that long. We do see a high germination percentage.
In a glass of water, the cannabis seeds germinate very quickly, although we don't actually see any branching at all. Not even after 6 days. We also see this in the results of others.
Then we would like to comment on the ease of germination. Throwing cannabis seeds into a glass of water is, of course, child's play. Our germination tray requires some preparation and maintenance (1 additional moistening after 48 hours). We also found the coffee filters very practical. Especially if you cut them in half, you put a flap aside as if you were going to do surgery. The tea bags were the most inpractical for us. They are actually too small to recommend it as the best germination method, especially since both the speed and quality of germination are so close to other methods. Root quality is hard to judge objectively if you don't have a grasp of it. At the editors, we now have quite a few years of experience with germination, so we look at details such as branching, an overall healthy impression and root length. The table below shows our findings for the various germination methods.
We see a trend. Putting your cannabis seeds in a glass of water is a good idea. Until they actually break open. Fortunately, you can easily see that in a glass of water. At that point it's best to transfer them to our germination tray, or a coffee filter. Then the seeds will get lots of branching and once in soil, coco or rockwool, they will be able to grow around nicely.
The best quality roots are created when you constantly expose cannabis seeds to lots of moisture, but do not totally submerge them in water.
Test 3: Germinating Seeds with Tap Water or Spring Water?
Then we put to the test whether it matters if you germinate with mineral-poor spring water or mineral-rich tap water. For this test, we compared the following types of water:
. |
Tap water (PWN Mensink*) |
Spring water (Spa Reine) |
Dry residue mg/l |
- |
38 |
Aluminum Al ug/l |
1.2 |
- |
Calcium Ca mg/l |
39.5 |
5 |
Chlorine Cl mg/l |
100 |
5 |
Carbonate HCO3 mg/l |
60.7 |
17 |
Magnesium Mg mg/l |
10.5 |
1 |
Sodium Na mg/l |
74.6 |
3 |
Potassium K mg/l |
- |
0.5 |
Ammonium |
<0.02 |
- |
NH4 mg/l |
4.82 |
1.9 |
Nitrate NO3 mg/l |
55 |
4 |
Sulfate SO4 mg/l |
- |
7 |
Silicon dioxide SiO2 mg/l |
8 |
7,9 |
Hardness *D |
8 |
6 |
Acidity pH |
60.7 |
- |
So a totally different composition between Spa Reine and the *tap water that comes out of our office tap. Would the big difference in minerals matter? And does a pH difference of 2 affect germination?
Results of Germinating in Spring Water vs. Tap Water
Looking strictly at the numbers: no, there is no difference between germinating weed seeds using Spa Reine or the water that comes out of our tap. But is there a difference in quality? Do the sprouts look different after 144 hours of exposure to these types of waters?
Spring water (Spa Reine) on the left, Tap water (from Heemskerk) on the right.
At first glance, we see little difference in the quality of the seeds. To be honest, in this test we did not pay attention to placing the seeds so that the roots would grow downward. We did that on purpose to show that the root becomes super squiggly if you don't pay attention to that.
Spring water (Spa Reine) on the left, Tap water (from Heemskerk) on the right.
However, if we take a closer look at the roots, we curiously see more microhairs in the tap water seeds. Since we have not tested whether this is due to pH, hardness or specific composition of minerals, we cannot advise you to use a particular type of tap or spring water.
Tap water comes from sources that vary by region. With spring water, you can reasonably assume that the composition is approximately the same as what is listed on the manufacturer's packaging or website. Just because our tap water gives slightly better results than Spa Reine does not necessarily mean that the water at your tap is the best water for germinating cannabis seeds. However, if the water is too rich in minerals, the roots can become "clogged". As a result, certain substances cannot be absorbed as well and the roots do not develop as well. For this reason you should gradually increase the concentration of plant nutrients.
Test 4: Temperature when germinating seeds
Just for fun, we put half of the seeds from the previous test on an infrared heat mat. One of those mats you normally use for a mushroom growing kit. But that quickly turned out to be way too hot for cannabis seed germination: 37 °C. Not a single seed survived, while all but one of the other seeds lying next to the heat mat germinated at 22°C. The ideal temperature for germination is between 22 and 25°C and definitely not higher.
Dutch-Headshop Germination Guarantee
We believe in our private label cannabis seeds. That's why we offer a unique germination guarantee on all private label cannabis seeds from Dutch-Headshop. When you choose our private label seeds, you get a guarantee on germinating seeds up to 30 days after receiving your order. If they don't germinate? We will send you free new private label cannabis seeds!
The conditions are simple. Follow our advice on the germination method. One or more seeds didn't germinate? Send an email within 30 days with:
- Your order number.
- Photos of each seed that did not germinate.
- A description of your germination method.
All non germinated private label seeds will be replaced by one other type of seed from our private label range, as per your choice (while stocks last).