Your first magic mushroom trip. Exciting, isn't it? Do you know what to expect? To make sure you have a safe and pleasant trip, we recommend you to read this article carefully. All practical and necessary information is there. From magic mushroom effects to dosage. From optimal set & setting to avoiding a bad trip. With this checklist you will be well prepared for your journey through the universe.
If you have read this article you can confidently embark on your first magic mushroom trip. Everything you need to know is on this page. If you find a topic of interest, you can click through to one of our other blogs. Use this article as a checklist. Do you understand everything? Have you thought of everything? Preparations made? Checked everything off? Then your first magic mushroom trip can begin! It seems like a long list, but believe us: your trip will be unforgettable if you think about these points. And in a positive way.
In this article:
- What is a Magic Mushroom Trip?
- What do Magic Mushrooms do?
- Duration of a Magic Mushroom Trip
- Effects of Magic Mushrooms
- Important information for a Magic Mushroom Trip
- Magic Mushroom Dosage
- Set & Setting
- Tripsitter
- How to consume Magic Mushrooms
- Bad Trip & Stopping a Magic Mushroom Trip
- Thing you might start doing during your Magic Mushroom trip
What is a Magic Mushroom Trip?
You probably have an idea of what to expect from your first magic mushroom trip. Just don't let wild stories on the internet, or from friends and relatives, throw you off balance. Because what exactly is tripping? Tripping is derived from "to trip"; meaning to go on a journey. That is exactly what tripping is. You go on some sort of psychedelic journey after taking drugs that have psychedelic effects. In the case of a magic mushroom trip, it logically comes from taking magic mushrooms, or shrooms. LSD, LSA, DMT and peyote and san pedro cacti produce similar effects, although each has its qualities and peculiarities.
People trip for different reasons. Recreational (purely for pleasure), with a more spiritual approach or even for medical purposes. Tripping can lead to the reduction of anxiety and depression, for example. This is proven by advanced research at highly regarded universities. You can gain new insights into your life, making you look at things just a little differently. But it can also just provide a fun evening full of laughter and fun. It all depends on how you begin your magic mushroom trip and the dosage you take.
What do Magic Mushrooms do?
Magic mushrooms and magic truffles contain, among other things, psilocybin. This is a substance that has highly psychedelic effects after being converted in your body to psilocin. It puts your brain's judgment on hold, allowing thoughts, memories and your perceptions to come in in a more unfiltered way. But how does that feel exactly?
Duration of a Magic Mushroom Trip
You might be wondering about the duration of a magic mushroom trip and when the effects kick in. This depends slightly on the dosage you take, your tolerance, your stomach contents prior to the magic mushroom trip, and your experiences with trip drugs. You'll read more about these matters later. Nevertheless, there is a guideline you can hold on to if you don't know what to expect from the duration of a magic mushroom trip. Keep this in mind and you won't have any surprises.
- Onset effects magic mushroom trip: 20 to 45 minutes.
- Duration magic mushroom trip: average of 3 to 5 hours. Maximum 6 hours.
Are you curious about the duration of other drugs? You can find them in our blog: “How to trip safely!”.
Effects of Magic Mushrooms
During a psychedelic trip or magic mushroom trip, sensory perceptions are affected. But also your way of thinking. You experience it all differently. Reality seems to change. From things that distort slightly, to hallucinations that look lifelike. The first time, the effects of magic mushrooms can be very overwhelming. Don't be alarmed, stay cool and let it happen. After a while, you'll get used to it and sit back and enjoy it for a few hours. Because yes, a trip like this comes on within an hour, then you peak for about an hour and then the effects gradually fade. The effects come and go in waves. To get an idea of what a magic mushroom trip is like, we will tell you more about the effects of magic mushrooms through people's experiences.
The Onset (between 20 and 45 minutes after ingestion)
When the magic mushroom trip kicks in, you will notice that things you are seeing start to move and distort. You will see patterns on the wall or in the air. You will experience colours and sounds much more intensely. Sometimes you can even taste them. Others say they hear taste or see smell. Your senses can get jumbled up, especially at higher doses. This is called synesthesia.
Your vision becomes somewhat blurred and sometimes something seems bigger or smaller than it really is. Your thoughts also work differently. You can interpret an event very differently. From not understanding simple things to delusional thinking. Everything can happen.
The Peak (2 to 3 hours after ingestion)
Other commonly mentioned magic mushroom effects from trip reports? Feeling like you are more a part of your environment or the universe. Because you see things differently, it can be funny, causing you to have an uncontrolled laughing fit. You sometimes lose the sense of your own identity and seem to merge with the couch or lawn you are lying on. Deep-seated memories can also suddenly surface. With a heavy trip you can hallucinate and sometimes even leave your body. Talking to Martians or floating through an unknown universe? That doesn't happen quickly, but it is possible after taking a high dose (not recommended for beginners).
The world of the magic mushroom trip is untouched and infinite. It is very difficult to describe a trip. To know how a magic mushroom trip feels and what the effects of magic mushrooms are, you will have to try it yourself. Watch the video below to get an idea of the visual effects of a mushroom trip.
Come Down (3 to 6 hours after ingestion)
Little by little, you begin to get a grip on reality again. But accepting that reality can be harder than it seems. It is only a matter of time, however, because slowly but surely your brain begins to assess the trip and to logically define it. In this way, you automatically give the experience a place. Right after the peak you may think that it will always be like this, but that is not the case. As the psilocin slowly but surely leaves your bloodstream, you will return to earth. You can expect a few more waves, but the intensity will decrease a little each time.
An often underestimated aspect of a magic mushroom trip is this: what are you going to do with the experience? A day after your trip, everything can feel strange. Some say they have seen the true nature of reality. Almost like Neo waking up from The Matrix. Although that surreal feeling will fade by itself, we do recommend that you don't plan anything the day after the trip that requires you to keep your mind busy. A day off would be most welcome. Talking about your trip with like-minded people is the most valuable thing you can add after the magic mushroom trip.
Important information for a Magic Mushroom Trip
There are a few important things you should know before embarking on your first magic mushroom trip:
- Very important! Do not use magic mushrooms or other psychedelic drugs in combination with alcohol, medication or other drugs. Also, do not use if you have mental health issues or are taking medications containing MAO inhibitors and SSRIs such as antidepressants. This can be very dangerous.
- Never trip when you are feeling down. Very tired? Not quite feeling well? Suffering from physical ailments? Then it's better not to do it. This can negatively affect your trip. It increases the chance of an unpleasant experience.
- Never trip alone; especially not the first time! Make sure someone is there with you who stays sober; someone you trust and who can step in if you suddenly want to try something crazy. We call them a tripsitter.
- Magic Mushrooms are not legal. You are in fact punishable by law when you possess magic mushrooms. You are allowed to buy magic mushroom grow kits in our online shop. Fresh magic truffles, which have the same effect, are also legally available.
- Tripping or taking magic mushrooms is best done on an empty stomach. The effect is most noticeable then and your stomach contents can't interfere during the trip. Our advice is not to eat or drink anything other than water for 3 hours before taking the magic mushrooms.
- Nausea is sometimes part of the trip. Some people always get nauseous when they are tripping. Do you get the feeling you're going to throw up? Don't panic! This is very common. After you throw it out you will find that you are back to your old self.
- You can't die from magic mushrooms alone. So if you have a bad trip, remember that nothing much can happen to you as long as you don't do anything strange. Bad trip? Stay calm and everything will be fine.
- Start with a low dosage. A heavy trip sounds nice, but if you've never done it before, you may be in for a shock. So start with a mild to moderate dosage. You can always do it again!
Magic Mushroom Dosage
As we've mentioned before, it's extremely important that you take the right magic mushroom dosage. The right dosage is different for everyone. It has everything to do with your body weight, what kind of magic mushrooms you are going to take, if they are fresh or dry and the desired effect. With the desired effect we refer to the trip levels. Do you want to experience a mild trip or be blasted to another planet? You adapt your dosage to the desired effect.
Fortunately, you don't have to calculate the right dosage anymore. For that, we have our Magic Mushrooms & Truffles Dosage Calculator. Simply enter your information and desired trip level and the correct amount of mushrooms will be shown. You can read what those levels are below the calculator. You only have to weigh it yourself with a scale.
Set & Setting
Before you go tripping, it is very important that you are in a good mood and the environment in which you are going to be tripping is pleasant. We call this Set & Setting. Don't underestimate this. Experts say that certain elements, such as your mood, expectations, the people around you and the environment in which you will be tripping are even more important than the drug itself and the dosage! So prepare yourself well and don't start your first mushroom trip if you don't feel well.
The set is more under the skin. It's you. It's the complete package. Your state of mind, how fit you are, what the expectations are of the trip, and so on. Especially on a first magic mushroom trip, it's important that you feel good. You are fit and not tired. Take the magic mushrooms on an empty stomach and do not combine them with other drugs or drinks. And important: don't expect anything from the trip and just let it happen. Only think about positive things. Laughter kicks, nice colours and special insights. The setting is about the location, atmosphere and surroundings. For a first trip it is important that the environment in which you will be tripping is familiar, just like the people around you. Be yourself and feel free in the environment you are in.
Want to know more about optimizing the Set & Setting? Check out our blog!
Perhaps the most important point of this magic mushroom trip checklist: the tripsitter. Please be aware that it is very ill-advised to trip alone. Especially if it is your first time. You do not know what to expect and the trip can cause delusions. Then you think or see things that are not there and you start doing dangerous things. Therefore the rule of thumb: never trip alone and arrange a tripsitter.
A tripsitter is a sober person who is present during the trip. He can steer everything in the right direction and intervene when things go wrong. Think of simple things such as getting you a glass of water if you end up in a bad trip or turning the lights on or off if you don't get it anymore. Or more serious things such as helping you to the toilet if you unexpectedly vomit. Or a friend who is behaving strangely and needs to come to his senses for a moment, because otherwise accidents could happen. To sum up: a tripsitter improves your trip and can prevent trouble.
How to consume Magic Mushrooms
One person has absolutely no problem with eating magic mushrooms. But the other thinks magic mushrooms are really gross. When you put them separately in your mouth, it can be very unpleasant. The flavour and texture is similar to mushrooms, but more bitter. It is particularly dry and sticks to your teeth. For some people eating magic mushrooms directly is really a no-go. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives to eating mushrooms on their own.
A popular way to ingest magic mushrooms is to make magic mushroom tea. It's very simple. You simply soak small pieces of magic mushroom in warm water. The only thing to watch out for is that the water is not too hot when you put the magic mushrooms in it. High temperatures are not good for the active ingredients in the magic mushrooms. The same goes for other common methods such as magic mushroom soup, magic mushroom burgers or meals. Eating magic mushrooms doesn't have to be difficult. You can also eat them with a bag of chips or a plate of mayonnaise. Whatever you like!
Tip: regardless of how you ingest the magic mushroom, always try to chew it well. Then the active ingredients are more easily released and the effect will be stronger. Also: the less food you eat, the better the magic mushrooms work.
Bad Trip & Stopping a Magic Mushroom Trip
You've probably heard of a bad trip and maybe you're very worried about it. Don't be! If you have read the information above and you follow our advice, the chances are very high that you will have a pleasant trip. Yet it can happen that the magic mushroom trip does not go well and you end up in a bad trip. This can be unpleasant, but fortunately you can stop a bad magic mushroom trip.
What exactly is a bad trip? It is nothing more than a bad experience with psychedelic drugs, such as magic mushrooms. The changes in your perceptions and thinking become negative in a bad trip. Hallucinations, thoughts and thought patterns become scary or destructive and you want it to stop. There seems to be no prospect of getting better and sometimes it can seem like you never get out of the trip. To take away a myth: getting stuck in a trip is very unlikely and actually never happens. Especially when you are tripping for the first time and have no history of mental disorders.
Stopping a Bad Magic Mushroom Trip
If you or someone around you ends up in a bad trip, you can do something about it. Consider the points below. Are you the tripsitter? Help the person who is having a bad trip by doing the following.
- Find a quiet and familiar place. With a bad trip, the environment is often the villain. So leave the room where you are and ask someone to come with you.
- Keep talking to your tripsitter. Is he not there? Then talk to someone else who is having a good experience. If you just keep worrying within yourself, you will keep the bad thoughts and be less likely to come out of your bad trip.
- Do what feels good. Do you want to take a walk? Or sleep? Or dance? Do it!
- Always keep in mind that the magic mushroom trip goes away quickly. It takes a couple of hours at most, but often you'll get rid of your negative experience before that time. You'll be back to your old self in no time.
- Are you done with it? Want to stop the mushroom trip? Use our Trip Stopper. The ingredients in these capsules reduce the tripping effects and help calm you down. You'll be back to your old self in no time.
The idea of having Trip Stopper in your pocket often has a calming effect as well. Consider purchasing the capsules before you take your first magic mushroom trip.
Things you might start doing during your Magic Mushrooms trip
Have you thought about what you're going to do once you get into your first magic mushroom trip? Some things are great, but other things are better to leave off. For a first time trip, we recommend seeking out a familiar environment. Make it cozy at home. Music sounds 20 times better. Your television looks like a true Picasso for hours, so you're going to appreciate one of the trippy movies or series from this list. Drawing or making art is great fun to do and gaming (from board games to video games) sometimes works well too. And pssst: did you know that sex also takes on a new dimension while tripping?
Experienced psychonauts often say that going into nature is the best choice while tripping. We mostly agree with that. However, it is quite impressive and unpredictable. The outdoors and nature are very beautiful, but your surroundings are not familiar and anything can happen. For a first magic mushroom trip we recommend to find a relaxed and familiar environment. If, after you have been tripping for 2 hours, you still want to explore the wonders of the outside world? Take your tripsitter with you and go on an adventure. But first check out the situation, so you know what to expect!
Have fun tripping!
Have you checked off this checklist? Then you can start tripping in a safe and fun way. Do you still have questions? Feel free to send our customer service a message!
Would you like to grow magic mushrooms yourself with one of our grow kits? Our blog is full of information about growing magic mushrooms. Spoiler alert: it takes only 3 weeks to grow your own magic mushrooms and it's very easy. Take a look at one of these blogs.
- Magic Mushroom Grow-Kit: Cultivate Your Own Shrooms in 10 Easy Steps!
- Shroom Cultivation - How to Maximise your Shroom Yield
- Experts Reveal: Best Methods for Drying Truffles and Mushrooms!
- Growing Report for Golden Teacher Shroom Grow Kit
- McKennaii Mushrooms Grow Report
- Can Blue Light Increase the Yield of Your Mushroom Grow Kit?