The interest in medicinal weed keeps on growing and CBD weed is extremely popular. Unfortunately, buying CBD weed is still a tricky business and a lot of people are given false information about smoking CBD weed. For example, did you know that you can get incredibly and pleasantly high from CBD-rich weed and that it tastes just as good as THC-rich weed from the coffee shop? In this blog, we discuss all aspects of medicinal weed. From buying CBD weed to growing it: it’s all up for discussion! We leave no aspect untouched.
In this article:
- What is CBD Weed and what is CBD?
- Smoking CBD Weed: What Does It Feel Like?
- CBD Vaporizer
- Buying CBD Weed
- Growing Medicinal Weed
- The Best CBD Seeds and Weed with the highest CBD content
- 1:1 Weed Seeds
- Is All Medicinal Weed Rich in CBD? No!
What is CBD Weed?
CBD weed is nothing more than weed with a relatively high percentage of CBD. A lot of people regard this as being medicinal weed. This is true in part, but also weed with a lot of THC or other substances can work medicinally. Usually, CBD-rich weed contains between 5 and 20% CBD. In addition, a certain amount of THC may also be present, depending on the strain. Users who buy or smoke CBD weed do this for medicinal purposes. But don’t be misled! CBD-rich weed can also deliver a really great high for stoners as well.
You can buy CBD weed in the coffee shop. Although there are still not many coffee shops that have put this form of medicinal weed on the menu. So you have to hunt around. What’s really on the up-and-up though is the cultivation of medicinal weed. One reason is because you can’t get it in every coffee shop, but it’s also because the demand for medicinal weed keeps growing. Growing medicinal weed is the same thing as growing ‘normal weed’. All you have to do is choose one of the many CBD seeds. The rest is no different from usual.
What is CBD?
For a lot of people it’s crystal clear, for yet others it’s still an unknown. So, in short: “What is CBD?” CBD is one of the hundreds of substances in cannabis and is a member of the group of cannabinoids under which THC and CBG also come. Cannabidiol, to give the substance its full name, is famed for its versatile (medicinal) properties. CBD products are usually obtainable legally in many countries. CBD Oil is by far the most recognised form. You cannot get high or stoned from CBD alone. That’s also why CBD is very popular among medicinal users.
Smoking CBD Weed: What Does It Feel Like?
As mentioned, you cannot get high or stoned from CBD alone. Nevertheless, you can definitely feel something when you smoke CBD weed. You can even get high for a long time from smoking CBD weed. That is because this form of medicinal weed contains a lot more substances which appear to work in combination with each other. We call that the entourage effect. The most important substance that produces the high is THC of course. Many types of CBD weed contain a certain amount of THC as well. This amount varies from 1% up to over 15% in some cases. It’s down to what you, as a user, want to experience.
We have researched the smoking of CBD weed. Both by seeing what we could find on the internet, and directly as users. Our editorial team has also put it to the test by smoking and vaping several CBD weed varieties. Here’s a summary of the most significant findings of ‘the CBD weed smoking test’:
- Balanced high: Smoking CBD weed produces a balanced high. The main reason for that is because CBD is known to inhibit the paranoid effects of THC. As a result, you feel more relaxed and less stupefied or intoxicated. Your mind stays clearer and you actually feel stoned in a refreshing way. You’re still able to do things while simultaneously feeling a mild high in your head. Not ideal, perhaps, for the smokers who want to get completely out of it as quickly as possible. But just right for the smoker who doesn’t want to get so intensely stoned and would rather go about it in a more relaxed manner. In short: CBD weed does make you a bit high but in a slightly different way than normal weed. The difference in the effect is mainly caused by the fact that there is just as much CBD as THC in the weed. Some people even prefer slightly more CBD to get the desired effect.
- The weed’s taste stays the same: we want to dispel a myth from the world. Smoking CBD weed doesn’t taste of grass or earth. It tastes exactly the same as recreational weed that is rich in THC. This is because the taste of weed is produced mainly by terpenes rather than by CBD or THC. Thus, you can enjoy the unadulterated taste of a Jack Herer, for example, by smoking CBD-rich Jack Herer. So don’t let anyone tell you that your CBD weed tastes awful. That’s complete nonsense.
- Relaxing and calming: with CBD-rich weed you get pleasantly relaxed and less tired than you do with a lot of THC. Weed is also proven to relax the muscles. Muscular spasms may be prevented and muscle pain is alleviated. People who for whatever reason are in need of relaxation as well often opt for CBD weed instead of THC-rich weed. Then they benefit from the advantages of weed without getting completely stoned.
- Smoking CBD weed is healthy: CBD (as also THC and other cannabinoids) work on the body’s own endocannabinoid system. The system in your body contains all kinds of receptors. Smoking CBD weed has the effect, as it were, of topping up this system and giving it a boost. Among other things, the endocannabinoid system helps alleviate inflammation, cramps, spasms and pain. It goes without saying that smoking in itself is not sensible or healthy. For that reason, we recommend using a vaporizer.
- Better sleep than with THC-rich weed: with CBD-rich weed you sleep really well. Sativa THC weed churns things around enormously in your head. A lot of people don’t find it at all relaxing to dive into bed when stoned. Are you going to smoke CBD weed? In that case, you’ll become pleasantly relaxed and won’t experience churning in your head. That means you can count on a good night’s rest and look forward to waking up feeling refreshed. Did you know that a certain type of CBD oil is also suitable for a good night’s sleep? Try out CBD Night, that is CBD oil + melatonin. Recommended by us.
According to an article by CBDtesters [1], who did an interview with Reuters, Corso Serra di Cassano and Boris Blatnik - founders of Kannaswiss, a Swiss company that grows high-quality hemp flowers and produces CBD-rich hash - the high is comparable to drinking a couple of glasses of wine. The users from the interview said that after smoking CBD weed all the tension disappears from their bodies. The article also praised it for the anti-paranoid effect. It could be a great option for those who want the calming and therapeutic effects of cannabis without the narcotic high of THC weed.
CBD Vaporizer
There is, of course, no such thing as a special CBD vaporizer but you can indeed smoke CBD weed in a vaporizer. For medicinal users who are opposed to smoking, this is the best solution for still being able to use medicinal weed. Using a CBD Vaporizer filled with weed you won’t inhale any bad substances such as tar and carbon monoxide. These substances are released when you smoke and are best avoided.
CBD weed is not the only thing you can vape in a vaporizer. There are also special vaporizers you can use to vape extracts or even CBD crystals with no less than 98% CBD. This type of vaporizer is also called a vape pen. You can view the information for relevant vaporizers in our webshop to see whether the unit is suitable for concentrates. If it says it is, then you will be able to vape the CBD concentrates mentioned above.
Buying CBD Weed
Buying CBD weed. It sounds simple but nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, CBD-rich weed is by no means available in every coffee shop. Putting it more emphatically, you’ve got to look damn hard to find it. You should be able to find places in the big cities where you can buy high-quality CBD weed. Look for coffee shops with an extensive menu and not the more commercial ones aimed at tourists. Ask the staff for CBD weed. They’re sure to be able to help you or direct you to a place where you can indeed buy CBD weed. In small towns it’s usually problematical. Buying CBD weed here is probably off the agenda. Nor is it a good idea to look on the internet because you never know whether the people have good intentions. What’s more, you don’t know whether the CBD-rich weed you’re buying is good quality or not. Or whether it might contain harmful substances.
One good option is to cultivate your own medicinal weed. It really isn’t that difficult and in some cases even tolerated.
Growing Medicinal Weed
It’s really not difficult to grow medicinal weed. In fact it’s the self-same process as for growing normal weed. Look through the CBD seeds or medicinal weed seeds in our shop and see which strain suits you best. You can filter on characteristics and specification for each brand. For example, make your choice based on the desired CBD percentage or another characteristic that’s important to you. The filters are designed to make it easier for you to choose.
Weed seeds arrived at home? After that, it’s exactly the same as for any other cultivation. Our master tip for beginners: read our leaf problem blogs thoroughly before you get started. These cover the basic rules. For growing medicinal weed as well. In the other parts of the series, we cover how to avoid deficiencies and diseases in ordinary or medicinal weed plants.
If you want tips for cultivating medicinal weed, then read our other blogs in the category for cultivating weed, or get in touch with our customer service!
The Best CBD Seeds
Medicinal weed is grown using special seeds. These are commonly referred to as CBD seeds or Mediweed seeds. As stated, Mediweed seeds often contain more CBD than THC, but this is not necessarily the case (more about this later). To help you on your way, we are going to list a few of the popular CBD seeds for you. Check out the information for each to determine whether the taste, the effect, or for example the CBD percentage is what you’re after. If you have any questions about a seed, you can always get in touch with our customer service! The best Mediweed seeds at a glance:
- CBD Critical Mass (Dutch-Headshop Private Label)
- CBD Auto Blackberry (Dutch-Passion)
- CBD Medi Haze (CBD-Crew)
- Medical Mix CBD (Royal Queen Seeds)
- CBD+ Black Widow (Positronics)
CBD Critical Mass (Dutch Headshop Private Label)
Weed with the Highest CBD Content
When it comes to CBD seeds, Paradise Seeds is the king of the producers. Their CBD seeds are what you need to grow for the highest CBD content. The CBD percentage of the medicinal weed you can grow with these seeds can go up to 20%. For your convenience, we have listed the 2 most CBD-rich weed varieties for you:
- CBDenergy (Paradise Seeds) | 15 to 20%
- CBDivine (Paradise Seeds) | 15 to 20%
CBDenergy and CBDivine have very different effects. Both heavy extremely high CBD percentages. These best sellers are what you need to grow for the highest CBD content.
1:1 Weed Seeds
1:1 weed seeds are weed seeds where the THC content is just as high as the CBD content. The result: a great balanced high from which it’s nearly impossible to experience paranoid feelings. The entourage effect plays an important role in this high. In 1:1 weed seeds, the cannabinoids reinforce each other in an optimal way. A selection of the best:
- CBD Auto White Widow (Dutch-Headshop Private Label)
- Auto CBD NYC Diesel (Private Label)
- CBD Kush (Dutch-Passion)
- Painkiller XL (Royal Queen Seeds)
- Grapefruit CBD (Private Label)
Are you looking for a cup winner? If so, then go for Painkiller XL or CBD Skunk Haze!
CBD Auto White Widow (Dutch Headshop Private Label): Bestseller
Is All Medicinal Weed Rich in CBD? No!
Medicinal weed is not necessarily rich in CBD. There are also THC-rich strains that work well for medicinal users. People who don’t mind getting stoned often opt for THC-rich medicinal weed. It’s also known that THC has different medicinal effects from CBD but we aren’t allowed to say any more about this. Consult your family doctor to see whether it makes sense in your situation to use medicinal weed. To round off the list here are some of the best Mediweed seeds that are rich in THC:
- Jack Herer (Dutch-Headshop Private Label)
- Bubba Kush (Greenhouse Seeds)
- Auto Blue Dream (Fast Buds)
- Vanilla Kush (Barney’s Farm)
- Skywalker (Dutch-Headshop Private Label)
Both Vanilla Kush and CBD Compassion are former winners of a cannabis cup. Do you always go for the number #1? Then your choice is easy.