Weed seeds are minute, complex creatures. For those with little experience of weed seeds or weed cultivation, they can give rise to lots of questions. For that reason, this blog sets out to summarize the 25 most frequently asked questions about weed seeds.
In this blog about cannabis seeds we discuss among others:
- What is the difference between male and female cannabis seeds?
- Why do you have to germinate seeds first?
- The best way to germinate seeds.
- How to store cannabis seeds?
- Is it also possible to grow without lamps?
- When is the best time to grow outdoors?
- Which cannabis strain has the highest yield in grams?
- Which strain has the highest CBD content?
- Which strain has the highest THC content?
What is the difference between male and female marijuana seeds?
The marijuana plant or cannabis plant is an hermaphroditic plant. This means that there are male and female plants. The female plant has flowers and resin and is used for the cultivation of marijuana. The male plant only produces pollen, which has no further application.
A male plant can fertilize a female plant so a female plant will produce seeds. The result of the production of seeds by the female plant is that energy is lost and this results in a smaller harvest. For this reason male plants are not used and removed. Therefore we only sell female seeds.
How do you recognize the difference between a male plant and a female plant?
A male plant is often long and thin and has therefore fewer leaves. The moment the plant starts to flower, a male plant has seed male flowers or seed 'balls', a female will never have these. We have a complete article on our website about recognizing a male or female plant: Male or female cannabis plant.
Can I grow a male myself?
Yes, you can grow a male marijuana plant yourself if you start with regular seed. Regular seed are seeds that are not feminized.
Do you also sell male or regular seeds?
Because there is very little demand for regular or male marijuana seeds, we do not sell male seeds anymore. We only sell feminized seeds that develop into female marijuana plants.
Why do you first need to germinate your seeds?
The best result is reached by first germinating the seeds. This is better because when you let the seeds start in a controlled environment, it increases the chance that the seeds germinate well. When you directly put the seeds in the ground without germinating them first, there is a high chance a part of the seeds will not come up.
Storing Weed Seeds – How is That Done?
If you don’t intend to use your weed seeds immediately it’s important to store them properly. If you fail to do so, they will lose their germinability and become unusable. It is therefore vital that you store weed seeds properly if you want to cultivate nice plants later.
You should store weed seeds in a cool, dark place. Of course, the refrigerator is perfect for that. Make sure they are stored airtight at a temperature between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius. The emphasis is on airtight – this is very important. That will prevent any moisture coming into contact with the weed seeds. If that were to happen then germinability would be quickly reduced. Put the weed seeds in a well-sealed zipper bag for example to make sure nothing can get at them. If you have stored your beloved seeds in an airtight, watertight manner in a dark place at the right temperature then they can be kept viable for up to 10 years!
How do I best germinate my seeds?
Germination goes best between humid cottons in a controlled environment. If you germinate in a petri dish with cottons, water and the right temperature, up to 90% of the seeds will germinate. A germination kit is also included with our Private Label seeds! If you prefer to grow another brand of seeds, this handy germination kit can also be purchased separately.
Want to know more about germination? We have a complete article about germination of seeds on our website! Check out: Germinating marijuana seeds.
Do I need to place a lamp above my seeds during germination?
No, during germination there is no need for extra light. Providing extra light can even disturb the germination!
What can go wrong during germination?
Most common errors are:
- temperature too low
- environment (cottons) too wet
- used incorrect water.
What do I need to pay attention to during germination?
We made an overview with all our tips on germinating marijuana seeds: Germinating Cannabis Seeds.
Is it possible to cultivate without lamps?
Yes, that is possible if you grow outside. Start in May with germination and from mid-May you can put the plants outside. The more sun for the plants, the better. Cultivating indoors without lamps is not possible. Cultivating without light in a greenhouse is possible though.
Where and how do I need to preserve my seeds?
You best store seeds in a dark and cool place. You can store seeds airtight and put them in the fridge, for example. Ensure that the seeds are packed airtight, so they won't get humid and start the germinate without you wanting to.
What is the best time to cultivate outdoors?
May is the best month to start. It is still possible with cultivating in June. If you want to start in July or August, it is better if you choose an autoflower because these start to flower faster. So, you can still obtain results in time.
Can you grow indoors all year round?
Yes, if you use lamps you can grow cannabis indoors throughout the year, as you determine the climate in the cultivation room yourself. Light is the most important factor to successfully grow marijuana.
Which marijuana strain has the highest yields in weight?
The yield is mostly determined by the conditions. So, do not just focus on the yields that seed producers mention. These large yields are often obtained under ideal circumstances; with a lot of light and with the right fertilizer. Strains that have proven to bring high yields are White Widow and Power Plant. But you yourself are the most important factor for success. Love and attention result in the biggest harvests.
Which strain has the highest level of CBD?
In the category Medical Marijuana all strains contain more than 1% CBD. The Compassion of Dutch Passion and the CBD Medihaze of CBD Crew have the highest CBD percentages of 8%.
Which strain has the highest level of THC?
- Pineapple Chunk Barney's Farm - 25%
- Amnesia Haze Royal Queen seeds - 20%
- Vanilla Kush Barney's Farm - 22%
- Blond Russian Huismerk - 22%
- White Widow Dutch Passion - 19%
Are there other strains with a high CBD and high THC level?
The highest percentages of both THC as well as CBD in a plant are currently being produced by Dutch Passion, check out the following strains:
- CBD Medihaze,
- Compassion
- CBD Kush.
- CBD Therapy
What is the difference between Sativa and Indica seeds?
Indica strains are plants that grow compactly and with branches close to one other. For Indica strains, the flowering time is shorter and they grow not as tall as the Sativa strains. The Indica strains often have big harvests: short, thick, dark leaves and marijuana with relaxing effects.
Sativa strains often grow taller and have long thin leaves. In general, the marijuana of a Sativa has an energetic effect.
Are there 100% Sativa or 100% Indica seeds for sale?
Most plants are interbred and a combination of Indica and Sativa. Below are a number of strains that are hundred percent Indica or Sativa.
100% Sativa Marijuana Seeds:
- Durban Poison
- Hawaiian Snow
- Amnesia Haze
100% Indica Marijuana Seeds:
- Hollands Hope
- Passion #1
- Master Kush
- Northern Light
- Black widow
Are all seeds suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation?
Yes, if the average temperature is high enough. Unfortunately, in the Netherlands and Northern Europe it is not so warm on average. That's why not all marijuana strains are suitable for outdoor cultivation. The following strains are suitable to grow outside:
- All Autoflowers
- The Church
- Hollands Hope
- Northern Lights
What are autoflower seeds?
Autoflower cannabis plants are plants that automatically flower after 3 weeks. So, you do not need to adapt the light cycle when growing indoors. When growing outdoors, you don't have to wait till August. You can read more about Autoflower strains here. Also visit our webshop to discover the collection of Autoflower seeds!
What are medicinal marijuana seeds?
Medicinal strains are cannabis strains that also contain CBD. In general, it is assumed that both CBD and THC have a medicinal effect and that both substances influence one another. Our medicinal cannabis strains are located in the category Medicinal seeds.
What are the best Marijuana seeds
Everybody has his/her preference. Though, if you want good quality and your budget is limited, look at our seeds. If you really want the best seeds of the best seed bank, look at Dutch Passion. You can find a special strain with a high percentage at Barney's Farm.
Which marijuana plant is the smallest?
The autoflower marijuana plants stay smaller than normal marijuana plants. Of the autoflower strains, the Lowryder #2 is the smallest one. Normally (with sufficient sunlight), its height is in between 35 and 50cm. This autoflower is therefore very suitable for smaller gardens and balconies.
Dutch-Headshop Germination Guarantee
We believe in our private label cannabis seeds. That's why we offer a unique germination guarantee on all private label cannabis seeds from Dutch-Headshop. When you choose our private label seeds, you get a guarantee on germinating seeds up to 30 days after receiving your order. If they don't germinate? We will send you free new private label cannabis seeds!
The conditions are simple. Follow our advice on the germination method. One or more seeds didn't germinate? Send an email within 30 days with:
- Your order number.
- Photos of each seed that did not germinate.
- A description of your germination method.
All non germinated private label seeds will be replaced by one other type of seed from our private label range, as per your choice (while stocks last).