A man looking at a giant cannabis plant.

Green thumbs and a bit of love are all you need to grow a beautiful cannabis plant. But what if your plant decides to shoot up like a rocket? Don't panic! Here are a few handy tips to help you out without having to cut down your precious plant.

1. Topping and Fimming

Topping and fimming are two techniques to control the growth of your plant. By cutting off the top growth point (topping) or partially cutting it (fimming), you stimulate the plant to grow sideways instead of upwards. This results in a wider and bushier plant.

topping cannabis plant


  • Cut off the top growth point after the fifth node.
  • Do this during the growth phase, not during flowering.
  • Your plant will develop two new main branches.


  • Cut about 75% of the top growth point.
  • This technique is slightly less stressful for the plant.
  • You get multiple new branches instead of just two.

2. LST (Low Stress Training)

LST is a gentle way to keep your plant in check without causing too much stress. Gently bend the branches down and tie them with strings or clips. This ensures the plant grows horizontally and all branches receive equal light.

cannabis low stress training

Benefits of LST

  • No stress for the plant.
  • Better light distribution.
  • More buds and thus a higher yield.

3. ScrOG (Screen of Green)

A ScrOG net is a great tool to keep your plant under control. Place a horizontal net above your plant and guide the branches through the mesh as they grow. This promotes even light distribution and prevents your plant from becoming too tall.

cannabis scrog

Tips for ScrOG

  • Start training your plant in the early growth phase.
  • Keep moving the branches daily to guide them through the mesh.
  • Ensure good air circulation under the net.

4. Pot Size and Repotting

The size of the pot you grow your plant in affects how big it gets. Smaller pots limit root space, which can slow vertical growth. If your plant is already too big for its pot, repotting into a larger pot can promote healthy growth without it getting taller.

repotting cannabis plant

Root Pruning

  • Gently remove the plant from the pot.
  • Prune part of the roots, especially at the bottom, to prevent it from getting too large.
  • Place the plant back in a larger pot with fresh soil to stimulate root growth and health without it growing taller.

5. Lighting and Distance

For indoor growers: the distance between your plant and the lighting can affect growth. If your lights are too far away, your plant will stretch to get closer to the light source.

cannabis led lighting

For growers behind a window: this is why your cannabis plant stretches towards the window. It craves more light! The plant therefore remains thin, weak, and with few leaves. So: if you grow indoors, you really need a grow light. A LED grow light is already sufficient and uses less power than an average computer.

Lighting Tips

  • Keep the lights at the right distance, depending on the type of light you use.
  • Use reflectors to better distribute the light.
  • Ensure a consistent light spectrum.

6. Considerations for Outdoor Plants

For outdoor plants that become too tall, consider camouflaging them by placing them among other plants or installing a green fence. This prevents curious glances and makes your plant less noticeable.

Camouflage Tips

  • Plant tall plants or bushes around your cannabis plant.
  • Use garden accessories such as climbing plants or trellises.

Large Cannabis Plant?

A cannabis tree is a challenge, but also promises a high yield. However, the neighbors might not be pleased. But with the right techniques, you can easily control it. Whether you choose topping, LST, ScrOG, or a combination of techniques, you will see your plant become healthier and more productive. Don't forget to always take good care of your green friend and enjoy the fruits of your labor when the trichomes are ripe.