There are all kinds of CBD products. The most popular is of course CBD oil. You can buy it in the store or easily and quickly in our webshop. What should you pay attention to when buying a jar of CBD oil? You can read that on the page. View the information and make a conscious choice.
Buying CBD oil
You would like to buy CBD oil? Then we have good news for you. Because CBD oil is a completely vegetal and natural product you can order online at our website. The benefit is that you are not bound to opening hours. Here you can view the complete CBD product assortment whenever it pleases you, and directly order CBD oil online. The oil is made of the flower and leafs of the hemp plant.
Difference marijuana and hemp
Before you start buying CBD oil, it is good you know more about CBD. Of importance here is the big difference between marijuana and hemp. The big difference is the psychoactive resin you will find in marijuana, but not in hemp. This allows to make a paste of the flowers and leafs of the hemp plant with a high level of CBD (without THC). During the production of CBD, often hemp seed oil or another carrier oil is added. Because with the hemp seed oil, CBD is more easy to dose.
CBD products, what options are there?
All CBD products you can buy online here, are tested and comply with all quality standards. CBD oil of the label Wedihemp is the only CBD label that is organically produced. You can buy Wedihemp, online, taking advantage of all conveniences. The oil complies with (high) quality standards and is completely legal. In the Netherlands, but also in many other European countries, CBD products are completely legal. This is because they are made of fibers, and do not contain THC.
Considerations when buying CBD oil?
If you want to buy CBD, then it is important you pay attention you buy at reliable websites, and also that you buy CBD oil from a renowned brand. Furthermore, check you don't buy CBD without COAs (Certificate of Analyses). Without such a certificate, the manufacturer can promise all kinds of things, without you being able to check whether they are really true. With a COA you can view the test results of the product yourself. That way you know what you're buying.
Why should I buy CBD oil?
Some people do not know the benefits of the CBD oil yet, and ask themselves what it can do for them? We like to explain that to you. The CBD oil ensures you will not get high or stoned on it. The oil is very good for your health, and can be used for both humans and animals. It can be used as food supplement. How much you should use of it, depends on the oil concentration you choose. On the label you can see exactly how many drops per day is recommended (do not use more in any case!)
Where to buy CBD oil?
You can buy CBD oil online. There are different CBD oil labels available. Apart from oils, you will also find CBD paste, CBD cream, CBD edibles and CBD care products. Depending on the product you are looking for, you can choose between those options. We are pleased to advise you about the benefits, effects and possibilities. Yet, it is good to check our product assortment first.
More than 100 cannabinoids
CBD is not the only substance in hemp. CBD is actually one of more than 100 cannabinoids that are naturally present in Cannabis Sativa. The CBD is extracted out of the plant's buds and the complete name of CBD is Cannabidiol. Many people like to use it for the medicinal effects of the cannabinoids as antioxidant and neuroprotectant.
Buying Jacob Hooy
You would like to buy Jacob Hooy as well? Then you don't need to look around further, because we also offer that. You can also buy CBD capsules here. It is important you always buy from recognized suppliers, so you are sure about the product quality. If there are any questions about the quality or use, we are pleased to help you out.
Of course we also sell CBD oil from other brands in our webshop. How about the aforementioned Wedihemp or our budget topper Hemplife, for example. These brands offer transparency when it comes to test results. This way you are 100% assured of a top quality CBD oil.
THC oil is not CBD oil
Some people think that CBD and THC oil is one and the same thing, but that's not true! Therefore we explain the differences. CBD oil is made of hemp and does not contain THC. When looking at THC oil, it can be said that this is made of marijuana or cannabis, and it does contain a lot of THC but little CBD. Another name for THC oil is Rick Simpson oil, which is illegal in the Netherlands (because it contains THC). We do not sell THC oil. We do sell CBD oil in many varieties, tastes and appearances.