Promote your health with the help of herbs or essential oils. You want that too, don't you? Yes, aromatherapy is hot! You don't even have to buy such an expensive diffuser. You can also use certain vaporizers for aromatherapy. Curious how that works and which herbs you can use? We answer.
Essential Oil in Ancient Times? Aromatherapy
Ancient knowledge in modern times. A vaporizer is also known as an ''aroma diffuser'' and can be used very well as an evaporator for essential oils and herbs in aromatherapy. View our vaporizers range here! Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy and makes use of the effect of odours originating from plants and herbs. The delightful scents of the essential oils and vaporizer herbs stimulate body and mind, the auto-immune system and brings peace and balance.
Phytotherapy, and aromatherapy as part of this, has been used in almost all ancient cultures to cleanse, to provide offers to the gods and to treat diseases. Parts of plants were smoked, or an essence was made of it by extracting the oils from the resin and blossoms of medicinal plants or the essential oil. The ancient knowledge about the use and effects of medicinal plants has always been preserved very well.
Phyto Inhalation in Aromatherapy
Herbs can be vaporized and inhaled with a vaporizer. This is sometimes known as phyto inhalation. When vaporizing the herbs, there are no toxic gasses released. This makes vaporizing less harmfull than smoking. Apart from that, vaporizing is much more efficient than smoking. This is because fewer herbs are needed for creating a powerful and immediate result..
Essential Oils & Herbs in the Vaporizer
Essential oils are liquid fragrances from plants, suitable for aromatherapy. They exist in and on top of the plant as miniscule drops of oil. The substances are extremely volatile and their composition is not comparable with vegetable oils, such as almond oil or sunflower oil. Essential oil does not dissolve easily in water. But it does in fatty oils or alcohol with a high percentage.
Vaporizing Herbs & Oils
Herbs and essential oils can be bought in all kinds of health food and health food stores. Dutch-Headshop also has various herbs that are suitable for vaporizers. Some herbs give a pleasant aromatic experience, others are known for mild psychoactive effects. We know a number of plants as garden plants, which gives the opportunity to grow and harvest your own herbs for your own aromatherapy. You do have to take into account the vaporizer you have and a number of precautions.
- Vaporizers are in principle not suitable for any type of oil. If this is possible, you can read about it in our extensive product descriptions.
- Never vaporize pure essential oil. Not only can this be harmful to health, but some are also highly flammable. Essential oil should be diluted with appropriate oil.
- You can vaporize herbs that contain "essential oils" in a vaporizer. Cannabis, like lavender, chamomile and many other herbs, also contains terpenes that form the raw material for making essential oils.
Aromatherapy with Arizer Vaporizers
If there is a vaporizer brand that focuses on aromatherapy, it is Arizer. You can put special bowls for aromatherapy on different models such as the Extreme Q and Air MAX. Most Arizer vaporizers even come with a free sample bag of herbs that you can experiment with. You simply replace your weed or herb bowl for the aromatherapy bowl, fill it with your favorite herbs or essential oils and you are ready to go. No more hassle with diffusers!
Still have a few questions about the herbs or vaporizers? Read the FAQ about the vaporizers or contact our customer service!